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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Attendance is down across most of MLB, even playoff teams. Team's profit margin is no longer met or broken because of ticket sales or lack of.
  2. I can agree with you more, you said it very well. Those are my own thoughts too, and I am sure, we are not alone.
  3. Not strange at all. Lots of COF can swing down and play 1B,
  4. I hear ya, personally, this summer, we are staying away from crowds, trying to stay in our own bubble and keep everybody safe. We rented a beach house last summer and was great plan B from our plan Disney trip with the grandkids. We had a pretty much private beach and a house with a private pool and we could control how had access to it. I suspect we will do that again this summer. I cant see ourselves being comfortable flying or cruising right now.
  5. Texas is 100% open for MLB. I think they are jumping the gun a bit.
  6. And getting vaccination is not going to get rid of the darn mask.
  7. Let correct some information, it was not shortly. Check the dates, vaccination date = Jan 5th Died Jan 22nd He died at the age of 86. In 2020, the US Black Male life expectancy is 75 years.
  8. Maryland is lagging behind some of the states. I am a 1-C and AA finally got around to letting me that I was finally eligible to go online and schedule my shots.
  9. Never ever, have I paid list price. that was a special offer sent through the mail, and usually, I play nice with their customer service and explain, while I enjoy the service, personally its not worth it to me to pay the higher fees. Yes, I know thats an introductory offer, and I understand, business is business, no hard feelings, just turn me off. Wait, how can we keep you? Keep me at my current price. Well, not sure, we can do that, but let me get you over to somebody that might be able to help. They will run through their speall and I will be polite and stick to where I am willing to walk away, and they will reenroll me in the lower price plan. Been doing that since 2015. At one point last year, the rep told, me this is your 4th offer at that rate, he was wrong, but oh well, and i said, yes, I am aware, thank you. Bottom line, they have flexibility, they dont like to broadcast out, but they realize some money coming in, is better than a customer walking away.
  10. If you have SirusXM account, then you should be able to get that same channel on your internet, or in my case, I link my alexa up to it. I got SirusXM last year, special deal, cost me $60 for my car for one full year, and they tossed in a free amazon alexa. I have to say, I grew up with the old WBAL and you talk about a strong AM signal, at nights and certain conditions, with bounces, that signal could really reach out and travel in all directions.
  11. This is nice, and it also tells us that when Elias said they were going to do this, some was wondering, if they were, or if this was lip service.
  12. Not sure if anybody will be facing Britton, between COVID, a bone chip and now hamstring injury. Guy has had his hands full.
  13. I hope so, but it just seams like the rotation has a lot of question marks, maybe, I just havent been following close enough.
  14. From what I have learned in here, when I mentioned insured. Most contracts are no ensured anymore, or just partially, due to the crazy high prices that the insurances companies set their rates on. That was after getting hammered by the likes of Albert Belle and others, a few years ago.
  15. I heard of relief pitchers by committee. The season is starting to sound like SP will be by committee.
  16. I want my 4th outfielder to be a glove first, and be able to play a decent CF.
  17. I thought Baltimore Sun's Sunspot was the stoneage?
  18. I figured he was, probably more as a lurker, but @ means he has his own account.
  19. So is Roch really reading OH now, or is Weams just playing with us?
  20. You can spend money and it does work, but you have more Chris Davis and Ryan Baum failures than you have successes. I thought Schrezer was a total overspend and high risk, but its one of the big dollar that has worked. Some of thought Price to Boston was a high risk as he had a lot of wear on that arm.
  21. I respect you and agree with you way more than not. I do differ with you on your statement about the owners wanted it that way. Seams to me, there was enough blame to be shamed along both sides. The players were not innocent poster children I do believe one statement about the vaccine that I came across, we will see be dealing with covid until the end of 2021 before we see real improvement.
  22. If you dont try, then you succeed at not failing, but that isnt winning either. Just because you throw money at prospects mean they will even make it to the bigs and play.
  23. I do not support his opinion, but apparently, from what I have found, he objected to rule #5.
  24. I thought International money was a separate budget line item for each team, and pretty much even out in the scales, so you really cant out bid others, unless you have some you havent spent.
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