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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. And thank you. You do a terrific job with your minor league coverage. Value your opinion immensely. How is Martin looking? Walking a lot I see…
  2. Who does everyone like? To me Jones definitely. So I am sure Elias will go with the college SS (really a 3b).
  3. Look at Norfolk. Team has been in the scrap heap for a decade. Yeah, I get it, look who started tonight but look at his track record. Look at Bowie. Guy is amazing. I have been lucky enough to meet him and an absolute class act. I think if you let him manage the Orioles right now, with this group, good for 8-10 more wins. Hyde isn’t bad, no bad blood there, he’s been given a turd sandwich, but Britton is better. He is special IMO.
  4. No need to worry about the Means injury. Elias signed deep SP depth this off-season…such a great GM! That’s why Watkins is starting game 5 and Matt Harvey about to be your number 1. But hey, keep making excuses for the guy…
  5. You are a Tucker fan and supported the MAGA coup against our country…color me shocked. I work to defend our country and then there is filth like you. I’ll keep that in mind the next time you go on a tirade about brown folk in cities too.
  6. Agree completely. Just explaining the logic.
  7. I think they covered on the telecast: higher obs (he was wild and hoping he could work a walk there).
  8. I trust your judgement. That’s my initial reaction.
  9. That at bat by Owings….and let’s be honest, not hitting at the ml level is McKennas thing, awful PH there but get he was going for a walk.
  10. That inning made me sad. Brutal. Owings looks overmatched but I’ll be honest, font know much about him.
  11. I may disagree with you on occasion but you are def grounded in reality, sincerely appreciate that. I get your point but in all fairness, I quoted directly from another poster. Appreciate your hard work.
  12. “Actually kind of excited to see what he does” this board lol He, like Harvey, is to ensure a top pick. They are here because they are awful.
  13. Is Lyles elite?Garbage signing. I think Elias got a cut of his salary.
  14. Been to a few games there. I honestly don’t hate it as much as everyone else seems to. You are in the Tampa area, no?
  15. of course, I am a little younger than his time but of course, didn’t mean to forget the legend!
  16. Yes, he’s my kind of announcer. Nobody better than Palmer and Joe Angel/Jon Miller though.
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