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Hamilton is in big trouble?


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Yes. As far as I know, he has been sober for many years, now.

Occasionally, broadcasters would say about Hamilton when he came to bat, "He has many tattoos, and he regrets each and every one of them."

Not that having tattoos necessarily indicates that one is an alcoholic, but apparently Hamilton got most or all of them when he was drunk, and he also doesn't like whatever image that having tattoos may portray.

It has been three years since he got wild enough to make the press.

http://themajors.net/?p=3818 He was hunting Cocaine that evening.

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I hate the idea of teams getting salary relief because they signed high risk players and the players did exactly what made them high risk.

Yep and reports the Yankees were lobbying for a longer suspension....

Let's be clear about one thing. Let's not be happy about this. Josh Hamilton is a recovering addict, it is a disease. Arod cheated and not only did he cheat (as many many players did), he obstructed justice and threatened the owner of Biogenesis.

I hope Josh Hamilton recovers from whatever happened and I wish him the best. Nothing to celebrate here.

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Yep and reports the Yankees were lobbying for a longer suspension....

Let's be clear about one thing. Let's not be happy about this. Josh Hamilton is a recovering addict, it is a disease. Arod cheated and not only did he cheat (as many many players did), he obstructed justice and threatened the owner of Biogenesis.

I hope Josh Hamilton recovers from whatever happened and I wish him the best. Nothing to celebrate here.

I am only happy that he is not successful for a competitor. And that we did not sign him. Because 30 years from now, Orioles fans would cry about him like Glenn Davis and Albert Belle.

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Yep and reports the Yankees were lobbying for a longer suspension....

Let's be clear about one thing. Let's not be happy about this. Josh Hamilton is a recovering addict, it is a disease. Arod cheated and not only did he cheat (as many many players did), he obstructed justice and threatened the owner of Biogenesis.

I hope Josh Hamilton recovers from whatever happened and I wish him the best. Nothing to celebrate here.

I see no one being gleeful and I have yet to see what the issue is. At this point there is just speculation.

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I am only happy that he is not successful for a competitor. And that we did not sign him. Because 30 years from now, Orioles fans would cry about him like Glenn Davis and Albert Belle.

Oh I know you didn't. You clearly stated you were happy we didn't sign him. Just saying in general we should hope for positive news regardless as a human being.

The Davis traded was one of the worst in MLB history. But to this day, I would have signed Albert Belle, the guy was a beast. Straight up beast. He had a rare condition that we couldn't have seen coming, just bad luck.

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Would depend on your definition of worse. For me I think drunk driving is worse then steroids.

In this case worse might mean longer suspension. If Hamilton did relapse he could be up for a lifetime ban.

PEDs would have been a lifetime ban as well though. Right?

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What's worse than steroids ... I think there is reason to speculate.
Would depend on your definition of worse. For me, I think drun driving is worse then steroids.

In this case worse might mean longer suspension. If Hamilton did relapse he could be up for a lifetime ban.

I agree. It really depends on what angle you are looking at it from.

Nothing (drug wise) is worse than steroids in terms one's reputations as a baseball player for things such as future consideration for the Hall-of-Fame and/or the general perception of baseball fans in terms of how one is regarded (such as a career being viewed with an unofficial asterisk.)

But in terms of life overall, alcohol and/or cocaine and heroin can indeed be worse than steroids, both for the reason that Corn pointed out (a DWI, and putting other people's lives in danger), as well as in regard to self-destruction (Len Bias, Ken Caminitti, Steve Howe, etc.)

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Josh Hamilton's father-in-law Michael Chadwick said player has ``hit a bump in the road, keep him in your prayers.''</p>— steven marcus (@newsdaymarcus) <a href="

">February 25, 2015</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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