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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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Oh.....They will. I'm a big boy. I can handle it. Everybody needs to just realize I am passing along information. I've been wrong before and I am sure I'll be wrong again. I am just a proud member of the board here. This board and this site is a tremendous place with or without the insider stuff!

It would be ridiculous if they do, though. You and the other insiders have done a great job keeping us in the loop and everyone should be thankful, no matter what the outcome.

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OK. Got it on the insiders.

This may sound cynical but, here is why I do not have a lot of faith in the O's truly being in on the Tex deal.

Why wouldn't they just, at this point, put there best deal out there and say, "Here it is, let us know when you get passed it so we can move on". I guess I don't understand the game of "chicken" that some of you say we are playing. Unless they really have been told they will have the final offer after everyone else has bid.


If there bid is only 7 years and everyone else is confirmed at 8, they are out. But they say they are not. So this is what keeps me thinking that the media is wrong.

If I could hit .330, I swear, I would play for the O's. If Tex goes somewhere else and we find out the deals were comparable, then you have to question his true feelings. He would be a fairweather fan. Like half the sox fans at OPACY. Half of whom have never been north of Philly.

Nice post, Frank. I am glad to have you on the board. Welcome. I hope everyone gives you another chance. You are obviously a fan of the team and probably just a fan that has been heart broken like the rest of us.

Again, Welcome to the board and I hope everyone gives you another FAIR chance! God Bless!!!!

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So let me see if I got this straight.

The talking heads at ESPN have been reporting the last week and a half or so, that the O's have a 7/$140 mil offer on the table ( which was originally reported it was 7/$150 ) and the Red Sux, Angels, and Nats were at 8/$160. We've heard no reports of any of those team upping their offers either, and as of just 24 hours ago the O's were seen as serious contenders to land Teixeira. So, what changed? Olney didn't report any changes in offers. Nothing appears to have changed, yet now we're out of it. Am I missing something?

Did I miss something in the last 50 pages or whatever? We've heard from our insiders the "wow" offer is now on the table. I find it hard to believe that there's such an offer on the table without Boras leaking it. So, I've come to the conclusion that the O's did in fact make a token offer of 7/$140, hoping, but knowing that wouldn't get it done, and once again can say we tried but got outspent by the big boys.

If that's the case, the Orioles better damn sure hope the Nationals don't get him. It be hard to explain to an already dead fan base that we can't even spend with the Nationals. Call me jumping to conclusions, but I see another summer of looking forward to football season by July.

Exactly. The PR damage that is being done with this whole thing, assuming we are indeed out, is far worse than the fact that we just won't have a very productive first basemen for the next 10 years. I really don't know how the O's will recover this season with the fans. I imagine it will easily be the lowest season attendence, and probably plenty of those picket signs demanding angelos free the birds. Oh..to be an Orioles fan.

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So let me see if I got this straight.

The talking heads at ESPN have been reporting the last week and a half or so, that the O's have a 7/$140 mil offer on the table ( which was originally reported it was 7/$150 ) and the Red Sux, Angels, and Nats were at 8/$160. We've heard no reports of any of those team upping their offers either, and as of just 24 hours ago the O's were seen as serious contenders to land Teixeira. So, what changed? Olney didn't report any changes in offers. Nothing appears to have changed, yet now we're out of it. Am I missing something?

Did I miss something in the last 50 pages or whatever? We've heard from our insiders the "wow" offer is now on the table. I find it hard to believe that there's such an offer on the table without Boras leaking it. So, I've come to the conclusion that the O's did in fact make a token offer of 7/$140, hoping, but knowing that wouldn't get it done, and once again can say we tried but got outspent by the big boys.

If that's the case, the Orioles better damn sure hope the Nationals don't get him. It be hard to explain to an already dead fan base that we can't even spend with the Nationals. Call me jumping to conclusions, but I see another summer of looking forward to football season by July.


I was wondering how long it would be before we got this kind of post. 7 years $140mm is not a token offer

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No, It will end real soon. The Orioles are not out of it. I am still very optimisitc.:D:D:D

That is good to hear, because your earlier posts today saying we should wait for the next media report seemed to suggest that you were endorsing the subequent report from Olney saying we were out of it. Thank you for clarifying.

My impression is that Boras has done a masterful job of milking all the teams for their best possible offer and in the end it will be up to Tex to decide which he likes best, all things considered. I think we win if we're very close on the money, but if our offer is markedly lower, it's sayonara.

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I think the only way someone through this whole process could say "It's a done deal...he'll be an Oriole" and have fully credibility is if they were very close to Teixeira himself. The O's can have a really good dialog with Teixeira that leads them to be extremely optimistic, but nothing is for certain when it's done as a negotiation. So, I take Belkast's optimism as a great indicator that we have been and will be taken very serious in this decision. But it should also be taken with a grain of salt given the origination of the insider info.

That said, I'm still very optimistic! Everything has played out very logically in this process. We haven't even gotten to the hardball stage where MacPhail says the Orioles are pulling their offer through the media. It may not come to that, but this is a seriously high stakes game of poker and you'd better believe that is in his negotiating arsenal. It also wouldn't mean we're actually out of the running.

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What sense does that make? Why shoot yourself in the foot in front of your customers, I mean, fans?

Basically to give the impression you're willing to spend money, but never do. So when the free agent signs elsewhere you can say: "Ohh they swooped in at the last minute", or this excuse and that excuse. It gets the fans excited cause they think they're going to get a player, but it falls through.

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That is good to hear, because your earlier posts today saying we should wait for the next media report seemed to suggest that you were endorsing the subequent report from Olney saying we were out of it. Thank you for clarifying.

My impression is that Boras has done a masterful job of milking all the teams for their best possible offer and in the end it will be up to Tex to decide which he likes best, all things considered. I think we win if we're very close on the money, but if our offer is markedly lower, it's sayonara.

Frobby, just curious about your take on some of the numbers being tossed around. Do you think this is the prudent move given our specific situation or do you think this contract would hurt us in the long run, if he does on fact sign with us?

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For my own sanity I’ve decided to stop reading the Teixeira threads and just wait until I hear about the signing through the evil mainstream media. I can’t take this anymore.

I just wanted to thank bigbird, belkast and the other insiders for trying to provide us with information during this hectic process.

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ESPN is reporting that the Yankees are not interested and have not made an offer. Do we believe this or not?? I tend to rather just read the tea leaves. I really think that yesterday's "O's have a real chance" leak was fully intended to get Boston to raise their bid. He is going to be a Red Sox. Nothing I have heard makes me feel like he is coming here. I think and have thought all along that we have been a pawn and the hometown angle was finely crafted by Boras.

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Basically to give the impression you're willing to spend money, but never do. So when the free agent signs elsewhere you can say: "Ohh they swooped in at the last minute", or this excuse and that excuse. It gets the fans excited cause they think they're going to get a player, but it falls through.

But that's so mean...:(

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