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Bautista vs. other closers


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I love long, extra-innings games.

I remember years and years ago, my boss handed me, late in the day, two tickets. Said he wasn't able to give them away, did I want them. Yep I did. I had to work late (real estate always works late) but went anyway. Got to the stadium as the 7th inning started. Pulled into lot B or C or whatever, pulled out my money to pay. "Nope," said the lot attendant. Starting in the 7th, parking is free. I parked for free, walked in, got a hot dog and coke, sat down 1/2 way through the 7th. I ended up seeing 9 innings in the game. It went into the 16th inning!

I liked the 2nd "7th inning stretch" in the 14th. I liked that in the 14th or around there they announced that they thanked us for staying, told us we couldn't sit in the upper deck anymore, but that we could sit anywhere in the lower bowl. And that the only food available anymore was directly behind home plate. I bought some food, sat directly behind home plate and watched the O's win in 16. Heck of a fun time.

Free parking, free ticket, no lines for food. Best seats in the house. Just me and a couple thousand of my closest friends in the stands. Who doesn't like that?

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