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Does Matt Angle have a future with the O's?


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From what I have read, he's a specatucular defensive CF for a minor leaguer. Matusz, when he was a Frederick, was quoted as saying that Angle was the best defensive CF he had ever played with or against. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean he's spectacular by major league standards, but one can assume his defense is very, very good.

Still, I don't see him helping the Orioles much. He has no power at all, and will never be as good overall as Jones or Pie, both of whom play CF well and are young. So, Angle is purely an injury replacement or trade bait for us.

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I was just coming on the board to post something about this.

I think that for the O's to hang onto a guy like Pie or Reimold and still have a guy like Angle in the system could only mean one thing: the Orioles are at some point going to have to clear an outfielder out, or trade Luke Scott. There's enough depth at the position, and I think that Angle's inclusion in the AFL speaks to how the organization views his potential with the Orioles.

I was also thinking about Turner and Waring: I would not be surprised to see a bench of Waring (corners), Turner (middle IF), and Angle (OF) in 2011. I think I'd actually be okay with that, as long as Turner can play SS. I really like Waring backing up both Bell and Snyder.

Guys that get sent to the AFL get sent for a reason... the FO has plans for those players.

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He'll probably be the kind of player who has to struggle each year for the 24th/25th spot on the roster. Augie Ojeda has made a long career (still going) of doing that successfully - after not getting much attention in the O's system.

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4th outfielder, pinch runner, defensive replacement type.

I tend to agree here, although I think he'll hit a little better than most players who fit this mold.

Angle certainly can go get a fly ball, though, and is a very heady baserunner. I don't know that his skill set ever amounts to that of an everyday MLB player, but I could see him making more of a career for himself than a guy like Brandon Fahey.

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By the way, I've made this comp before, but look at Nyjer Morgan's minor league career vs. Angle's. At age 24, Morgan was playing in the Carolina League and hitting .286/.328/.357. His career minor league line was .293/.370/.365, and he only made his way to the majors for relatively short stints at ages 26 and 27 while bouncing around between there and AAA. http://www.baseball-reference.com/minors/player.cgi?id=morgan001nyj

Angle at 23 hit .289/.370/.347 in the Carolina League, and his career line so far is .292/.388/.362. Very similar to Morgan, but with a better OBP. If his CF defense is really outstanding, he may be able to hold down a major league job in 2-3 years.

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Angle=Sam Fuld. I'm not sure that Fuld has Angle's superior speed, but otherwise they are probably near-interchangeable. Fuld developed somewhat of a cult following for his gonzo play in CF this year, and if Angle's D is as good as advertised, I could see him doing the same somewhere.

Angle's well-developed strengths translate well to the majors. He hurt himself with very slow starts at Delmarva last year and Frederick this season, but I'll be interested to see if he gets a ST invite. If so, I'll be believe that the O's have him somewhat in their plans. But not 'til then.

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By the way, I've made this comp before, but look at Nyjer Morgan's minor league career vs. Angle's. At age 24, Morgan was playing in the Carolina League and hitting .286/.328/.357. His career minor league line was .293/.370/.365, and he only made his way to the majors for relatively short stints at ages 26 and 27 while bouncing around between there and AAA. http://www.baseball-reference.com/minors/player.cgi?id=morgan001nyj

Angle at 23 hit .289/.370/.347 in the Carolina League, and his career line so far is .292/.388/.362. Very similar to Morgan, but with a better OBP. If his CF defense is really outstanding, he may be able to hold down a major league job in 2-3 years.

It shouldn't take him that long. The bat probably could use some more development time, but speed and CF defense don't really need years and years to incubate.

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He has above-average plate discipline, which will help. He's consistently been in the .080-.100 point increase in OBP to AVG. Its gone down as he's moved up, but if he can be a +.075 guy at the MLB level, even if he can only hit .260-.270 he can still be perfectly acceptable as a 4th OF who can play CF and get on base at a reasonable clip for a bench player. He's never gonna have any power, his ISO has been under .070 for his MiLB career and he's probably not gonna be much higher than .060 at the MLB level.

There is still value in a guy with a .270/.350/.330 line if he can play a very good defensive CF and be a solid pinch runner. He's not likely an everyday guy, but with a little luck he could carve out a nice little career as a reserve CF.

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He has above-average plate discipline, which will help. He's consistently been in the .080-.100 point increase in OBP to AVG. Its gone down as he's moved up, but if he can be a +.075 guy at the MLB level, even if he can only hit .260-.270 he can still be perfectly acceptable as a 4th OF who can play CF and get on base at a reasonable clip for a bench player. He's never gonna have any power, his ISO has been under .070 for his MiLB career and he's probably not gonna be much higher than .060 at the MLB level.

There is still value in a guy with a .270/.350/.330 line if he can play a very good defensive CF and be a solid pinch runner. He's not likely an everyday guy, but with a little luck he could carve out a nice little career as a reserve CF.

This is where I see him with an upside as a low-end starter for a team in need of some defense in center. Matt Angle is going to be a major league player, it's just a matter of his role. He's never going to hit for power, but his ability to play defense, run, throw, and get on base is going to see him curve out a nice little career.

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By the way, I've made this comp before, but look at Nyjer Morgan's minor league career vs. Angle's. At age 24, Morgan was playing in the Carolina League and hitting .286/.328/.357. His career minor league line was .293/.370/.365, and he only made his way to the majors for relatively short stints at ages 26 and 27 while bouncing around between there and AAA. http://www.baseball-reference.com/minors/player.cgi?id=morgan001nyj

Angle at 23 hit .289/.370/.347 in the Carolina League, and his career line so far is .292/.388/.362. Very similar to Morgan, but with a better OBP. If his CF defense is really outstanding, he may be able to hold down a major league job in 2-3 years.

Though Morgan has surprised me with his play in the majors, I think Morgan is Angle's caddie at all phases of the game

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I was just coming on the board to post something about this.

I think that for the O's to hang onto a guy like Pie or Reimold and still have a guy like Angle in the system could only mean one thing: the Orioles are at some point going to have to clear an outfielder out, or trade Luke Scott. There's enough depth at the position, and I think that Angle's inclusion in the AFL speaks to how the organization views his potential with the Orioles.

I was also thinking about Turner and Waring: I would not be surprised to see a bench of Waring (corners), Turner (middle IF), and Angle (OF) in 2011. I think I'd actually be okay with that, as long as Turner can play SS. I really like Waring backing up both Bell and Snyder.

Guys that get sent to the AFL get sent for a reason... the FO has plans for those players.

Add Caleb Joseph as the back-up catcher, and you've got a great young bench...potentially for years to come.

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