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    • Well I think you know I'm no fan of Harbaugh as a coach. I mean, this is a guy who called a timeout after his player sat down like a pre-schooler and caused a timeout when they knew the Bills needed to call a timeout. That whole thing was weird. Either way, I will say the defense was very good overall yesterday. 
    • What do you mean starting for Slater? He is not a starter. The Ragans matchup makes things interesting because he has reverse splits. I don't know the numbers but they need to start the guys with good numbers vs Ragans and/or LHP changeups, whether they are LH or RH.
    • Perhaps. I'm just saying he could stop the Chiefs, the Raiders disaster, and the Cowboys debacle certainly gave me pause.  Last night they certainly looked better, but the first 3 games gave me pause. I think we'll know more after a full season.
    • 1. If the Orioles had signed Jack Flaherty, Seth Lugo and Chris Sale to bolster our pitching staff last off-season, this place would have gone ballistic, and not in a good way. 2.  The Orioles ended the regular season last year flat as a pancake, and it carried into the offseason.  This year, while under the pressure of trying to keep up with the Yankees, the team struggled mightily to find consistent offense and any overall consistency.  Once that pressure waned with us knowing our destiny, guys seemed to loosen up, and we saw the offense come back.  I thought that might happen.  However, my question is, after laying an egg in the playoffs last year and recent struggles despite the last two series, does the pressure of the postseason put us back in the funk we saw throughout most of August and September? 3.  I've seen a consistent theme in this forum over the past week or two which is this:  "All we have to do is get hot at the right time, like Texas did last year."  While I agree that's true, and want us to be that team this year, isn't that statement kind of an admission that without getting hot, we're not good enough on our own merits to persevere in the tournament?  And before I get crucified for saying that, I'll point to what everyone has witnessed in recent months:  Bad/inconsistent bullpen, inconsistent offense, questions about our starting pitching, defensive lapses and being prone to not showing up offensively.  And please, let's not act like some, or all of these, don't exist.   That all being said, Go O's!!!!!  Let's get hot!!
    • All of the October ones will.    Tomorrow good chance to be the least important one if things go any kind of good. Granted ~40% chance it is the only one, but that is short series baseball, not him. I won't have warm feelings if he handles these guys but is bad twice the next series.
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