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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Watching the Orioles play baseball in New York against the Yankees is about as much fun as sandpapering your body then jumping in a bath of rubbing alcohol. Grant it, it usually is not much more fun against anyone else since they've decided that winning baseball games is not something they're really into any more. Nothing worse then it not even being May and you already know you team stinks once again.
  2. High or drunk is really the only safe way to watch this team. lol
  3. Can anyone tell me why Bautista is not throwing high in the zone with his fastball? I hate this glove in the middle of the zone thing. Glove should be in the upper protion of the zone.
  4. Aberdeen is an extreme pitcher's park. The power alleys and center field are cavernous and the ball does not carry very well.
  5. I've been rarely wrong when these situations occur. BTW, no offense, but you argued with me for years over Josh Hart. I tried to tell you early on, but you like to hold on to hope. That's your right as a fan. The only thing that gives me a bit of pause is the total unpredictability and utlra conservative approach that Elias/Matt Blood use for their development of players. Saying that, 19-year olds that are not ready for Low-A ball are typically not going to end up prospects. That was MLB's entire philoshopy for gettting rid of short season leagues like the Appalacian and NY-Penn Leagues. Now again, I'm not saying Creed is not a prospect because of this, I'm saying its CONCERNING that he was unable to make a full season club out of spring training, especially when the catchers they sent don't beleong there in any other capacity then as occasional backups and to catch bullpens. I've explained my reasoning for Baumler multiple times so no need to explain it again.
  6. None of the players you mentioned "left behind" are $1 million signing bonus players and none were real prospects. But, I agree with your last statement, Go Creed. All he can do is go out and perform and put any concerns to rest.
  7. Ok, let's go by your statement, "They're just doing what they think is best for him. Rather that than throw him in Delmarva with bad fundamentals." If that's true, then are you happy they took a raw two-tool (raw power and arm strength) overweight kid with bad fundamentals and gave him late second round money? I'm certainly willing to take a wait and see approach, but I do think there's something to his late start in Delmarva. Were they upset with the shape he showed up in? Did he not hit or catch well this spring? Does he have as you put it, "bad fundamentals?" All I know is the guys that made Delmarva should not be playing catcher in A Ball so it's not like they had other prospects just ahead him. Literally whatever he did this spring was enough for the team to keep him in extended while they sent two non-prospects to start the year in Delmarva.
  8. Who has made any proclamations over a draft strategy? I provided facts. He's the guy they gave the overslot money to by saving the money they did by drafting Cowser. It's going to be years before we'll know whether that worked out with either guy.
  9. Right, like he's not very good. Let's face it, if your Million kid can't beat out the flotsam and jetsom that they let catch at Delmarva, he might not be as good as you thought. Now, it could be just that Matt Blood thinks it's better for him to get more instruction before playing in Delmarva, but again, this is a kid who played in a high level high school system and had all offseason to be prepared to win a job in Delmarva. then again, he wasn't able to compete very well in the FCL last year. Look, I hope the kids comes up to Delmarva and tears things up and makes me looks foolish for having concerns, but the way the Orioles are handling him since they signed him tells me he was much more of a project then they thought he was when they choose him as the overslot guy that they saved by drafting Cowser.
  10. You're looking for excuse and I'm just providing facts. I get it, you're a Elias disciple and you are ready to do battle with any who dare question your messiah. Saying that, I like a lot of things Elias has done to help rebuild this franchise, but until his development methods provide wins at the big league level, they are nothing more than fancy titles and secret methods hidden behind a wall of secrecy for the better good. lol I hope he's proven right, I really do. But the Orioles are entering their 4th season under him and they're still an embarrassment at the major league level and I see no difference in injuries between the Orioles and other clubs yet they slow pitch all of their pitchers with low pitch counts and a lack of innings. I thought this would be a transition year for Elias but he appears to be very happy to see this season be another last place, 100 loss fiasco. Obviously there are fans out there like you that have infinite patience and are fine with another pitiful major league performance on the field while better players sit in the minors because of controllability issues. I get that, and that's your right as a fan to fan how you like, but my patience has run out. Are there players close like Adley, Rodriguez. Bradish and Stowers that could help out this year, sure. Are there other interesting players in the system, sure. But no matter what, the Orioles really don't care about the fans but focus on the bottom line. Under this ownership and regime, I don't see that changing.
  11. The Shorebirds catchers are abysmal currently. I'm not sure how bad he was this spring to have them beat him out, but hopefully he's improved. Guess we'll see.
  12. DJ Stewart is a pretty good comp for Neustrom overall. They have very similar skill sets in that they can draw a walk and hit for occasional power. Neustrom looks better in uniform, but he's is a below average outfielder like Stewart, but more like when Stewart came up and not the disaster he became over the last few years out there. There batting numbers as similar ages and levels are pretty close though Stewart out performed him a bit more at AA and AAA. So can he help the team as some potential left-handed pop off the bench if there's a need, sure, he can provide that, but I don't see him being much different than Stewart at the major league level.
  13. It's worth keeping an eye on during his rehab for sure.
  14. That one thing consistent with Rutschman are the reports on his makeup and his interactions with everyone. He certainly seems like a well rounded young man and we all look forward to what he can do in the majors for the Orioles over the next 6-7 years..
  15. Good observations. I was very impressed by Mayo's getting down to first base speed. Very quick for a big man. Probably will be like Mountcastle in that department.
  16. Tony-OH

    Raul Rangel 2022

    Yeah, someting wasn't right there. It's never a good sign for a young pitcher to pitch poorly then go on the IL though.
  17. Stowers des not get too many cheapies. They get out in a hurry!
  18. Yeah, they don't even need a eal CFer in this disgusting ballpark. Then again, we could play in a cavern and this team would find ways to lose. Losers find ways to lose and until they replace this core of players with guys that expect to win, they will find ways to lose.
  19. Look at the 60-year old Dad explaining to his 12 year old son in his 4th marriage what just happened.
  20. Well, it's a high scoring game because you have two teams playing in a high school park. The Yankees put this bandbox park together and then signed a bunch of power hitters so even their pop ups go out. It's embarrassing.
  21. Anthony Rizzo got a curtain call for hitting the two most ridiculous home runs in this high school distanced ball park. Everything about playing the Yankees just sucks. Their fans suck. their stadium sucks, and our pitching sucks.
  22. When a .010 xBa is a home run, your stadium is an absolute joke.
  23. I watched a few snaps and there were more people on the field then in the stands. It's not exactly too popular. lol
  24. Well, in Hyde's world, you don't use a left-hander like Fry for 6 days then you bring him in for the heart of the Yankees order. lol
  25. Look, Fry vs Stanton. I consider it a win that Stanton only singled.
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