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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. OMG, TY for the memories. My mother's fav and the reason I'm an O's fan. Homerun or strikeout, my father would say. Obviously sided with Mom. lol
  2. Cue to Drungo: Polo Grounds or some other non-Field of Dreams field
  3. This!!! I think ME would trade anyone for what he deems an appropriate package. He signed Odor in the offseason, he isn't dumping him, regardless of bad production, he won't admit a mistake as a junior GM-Exec VP. He wants to include him in a package for a bag of balls.
  4. I think you are right but that means if McLean gets slot then Showalter gets $125K plus about $750K which seems high for 11th round.
  5. I think no because alone neither Mancini nor Santander would bring near ready or controlled pitching. That is why Santander plus Tate for Snell made sense. Mancini to Mets for Buck reunion and playoffs sounds great but what do the Mets have to offer that Elias is going to value for the near term, I have no idea. You want pitching nearly ready then Mullins to Marlins is the way to get that. not Mets. With the way Cowser is going now, this time next year he can play CF. IMO Snell won't happen because John A won't take on salary, eats into his profits. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it.
  6. BW Parkyway at 695 is where the N. Linthicum Light Rail station is, free parking, ride to OPACY is about 30 minutes and stops behind the Warehouse
  7. So Dusty doesn't suck but Cito STILLSUCKS!!!!! lol
  8. As would I as well because after these 7 games we have 9 against lesser teams to rebound.
  9. I suspect (as I'm sure you do) that John Angelos cares, cuts into his profit margin. Does he care more about the product on the field or the bottom line? We may see.
  10. Agree re: Voth & Watkins but if Santander and Tate gets you Snell the scale tips. Lyles, Snell, Kremer, Wells-Hall (each on 3 inning limit) might be enough. The 5th slot, when you need it is whatever combo of Bradish, Zimm, Voth, Watkins that is on the 26 until roster expands. Replace Santander with Stowers.
  11. No idea really if he has amounted to anything. He got $7M to go so that's something. I saw he made the parent club last year but no idea on performance. I believe he will be a FA after next year and won't need posting so he might come back.
  12. Boras took Carter Stewart to Japan, after 1 JuCo year, when he didn't sign with Atlanta. Could maybe do that
  13. Boston got hot against weaker teams, have the worst win % against the East, and have the most games against the East remaining of the WC teams. Their next 10 are against the East. If they stumble and fall back to fighting the BJs for 4th, would they sell? Eovaldi, Wacha, Hill are all FAs and Sale isn't back. JDM is also a FA, I'm not sure about Devers. If they sell the bar for WC 6 is alot lower.
  14. There are several payers on the 40 we don't have to be concerned about related to Westburg and his "clock", Henderson is a whole nuther matter. I don't give a flying F*** about ANY Rule 5 guy vs Henderson's clock starting. We are at the point of the rebuild that Rule 5 guys and the management of the 40 shouldn't impact any current "good to great" prosepect.
  15. I think he has shown he can go about 5 innings for about half a year, to get thru this year IMHO, they will begin limiting him to 3-4 innings and pair him with an Atkins-like tandem to get thru 6-7.
  16. Nice pull!!. It runs against the prevailing practice, but with all the AAAA guys who have been on the doorstep these last 2 years, it makes sense to at least try and keep this season's "Why not" vibe going, at least to me. Peace out.
  17. I absolutely concur, if that is the right word aftere 25 years, but I always harken back to 1982 when they played over 0.600 ball afer he AS break and ran down the BJs on the next to last game pf the season. I lost $200 bucks on that last game guaranteeing JP would win. Not to be but 1983 was redemption. They were not to be denied. I knd of have a similar feeling right now about this bunch. They are playing better than they are, but hey may have a 1982 run in them to setup for 2023, John Angelos not withstanding.
  18. While Hall will most logically get shut down, Who has done a "real" 6 man rotation? I am not counting TB using starters.
  19. Based on what realistic logic other than what you hope to happen?
  20. Kumar and GRod were in same HS class as Carter Stewart who went 1:8 in 2018 to Atlanta but didn't sign. Went JuCo for a year and in May 2019 signed with Fukuoka SoftBank (6 yrs/$7M). I think I remember him having a FA opt out after year 5 to avoid posting but can't find that now. Could be an off the wall FA in the 2023 off season.
  21. Would Det trade Pineada for salary relief and a 17 year old Dominican? Might cover 75 innings if his rehab is successful.
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