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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. Wasn't his second flareup associated with getting the vaccination?
  2. I agree with the "loaded" observation but if we move from 50 to 80 wins a good number of those wins will come against those 4 teams because of unbalanced schedule. That said, we could spend $25 M next year (EdRod $15, 4-5 yrs, Harvey 2 M, about Castro 3B, $5 M, Iggy $2 M, new backup C) approach 65-70 wins and get a better understanding of what we have in Mullins, Means, Mancini, Mountcastle, maybe sell high midyear, and have a clearer picture of what we have in Mayo & Co, Kjerstad, Baumlier. We would still get another top 10 draft pick and could put a watchable product on the field. After Means, EdRod, Harvey, none of the prospects have enough success or IP to warrant a fulltime role in 22 so use tandems for the last 2 slots like is being done in the minors. 7 guys stay on a starter schedule (Akin, Kremer, Zimmerman, Lowther) with something like Lopez, Ellis, Woods in long relief. That leaves 3-4 slots for the backend which we won't need frequently. Somebody craps the bed you move on to Wells, Baughman, etc and shuffle the chairs.
  3. Last off season Means, Harvey, and Zimmerman went to performance clinics. Is that something the team can pay for? I thought they did it on their own. After this season I would think Akin, Kremer, Lowther would consider going as well.
  4. Starlin Castro released by Nats, 31 yrs old FA coming off a $6M contract with domestic abuse charge hanging over his head. Former All Star, upgrade from Franco, don't see any details on the charge in a brief net search. He and EdRod maybe cost $20 M/yr and we save about $12 M next year on CD's prorated salary, so not much of a payroll increase but could address 2 big needs.
  5. If Rocker goes back to school and proves he is healthy, does he enter the BPA discussion again vs Green?
  6. Next spring, assuming he is healthy, would Kjerstad go to Delmarva or Aberdeen?
  7. Does anyone have informed opinion on Rocker's health going forward to think he could recover to a top pick next draft? If he does regain his pre-draft status do you pick him over the HS OF? Could you buy out the last 1-2 years of Carter Stewart contract in Japan $7 M over 6 years, ends in 2024 but he is an unrestricted FA after he turns 25 in Nov 2023. Imagine GRod backer by those 2.
  8. So potentially he could be back in mix next draft if he has a strong year that overcomes doubt about his arm
  9. So now one of two things will happen: MH will completely self destruct in tomorrows start or Phillip's head will explode when they announce they are bringing MH back next year because he was the O's best 2nd half starter. OMG lol
  10. With 4 years left under control $23 M seems like not much of an offer. He was $4.75 M for year 3 pre-COVID and cancer diagnosis, so about $18 M for the final 3 years.
  11. Dan had plenty of cred and was GM of the year in 2014. He did not try to bolt to Toronto, he was approached by the deposed Executive of Rogers Communication, after a recommendation by a member of the Board of the NY Yankees recommended him to Rogers. Dan was offered a Head of baseball Operations position significantly higher than a GM, would have controlled Rogers Center and had a GM for the BJs under him and earned like 4X the money. He reported the overture to PA and got put on ice and basically neutered. SG is right, after that Dan lost cred with PA and Buck and Brady drove the Warehouse decisions. Believe what you want about DD's decisions but after 2014 he wasn't in charge anymore, despite the title.
  12. I didn't explain clearly but the benefit would be minor. We assume the $3M buyout so TX avoids that. Davis gets released by TX immediately, which we are unwilling to do so they don't have him as a headache. I don't see them doing that as a PR headache as they have no connection with Davis. I view the $3M as what we are willing to pay for stopgap players at 2B spread over 2 years. Otherwise the money is a wash on both sides. The O's get rid of a headache and gain a player with some potential upside to fill a vacant position short term, similar to 3B.
  13. AS to why Davis would agree, he gets all his money, gets sent home to start the next phase of his life without the aggravation of dealing with press questioning him as opposed to staying on the books here where he is clearly not welcome. As for TX, they clear Odor from their roster which seems a priority for some reason or they wouldn't be risking eating $27M. If the money is a wash and both teams get rid of a personnel problem, why not? The O's get an above replacement 2B who might thrive in Camden and TX gets to add someone else to their roster. These are admittedly pretty minor benefits to all parties but there is no penalty to any party involved.
  14. So if I am reading correctly, Odor is owed $24M/2 with a $3M buyout and the tone from TX is he is gone. We owe Davis $34M/2 and are already on the hook for the deferred money. We send Davis plus $5M/yr for 2 years to TX and pay Odor's full salary. TX can cut Davis while continuing to pay him. It is a wash financially, we have a better warm body at 2B for 2 years while the MiL guys develop and don't have to talk about him anymore. For the record Cito still sucks, so that does factor in. lol
  15. Because he is a different, presumably warm body, than the several we have, ergo he must be better. I have to wait until Phillip passes as well, but WC has passed so that means there isn't even a SSS chance in Hedouble hockeystick that can be twisted (contorted??) into a plausible (delusional??) argument's in defense of his acquisition.
  16. Not sure which category Melvin Mora or Steve Stone would fall in but they were both better here than before here.
  17. A healthy Harvey throwing 95, with rediscovered spin, and a new 2S FB might be special
  18. It's the Yankee and Sux fans that invade every series, not those gentile Baltimoreans for certain.
  19. It is a delusional fairytale based on offseason reports on Harvey rediscovering his FB, Felix and LeBlanc being healthy and MC (SS sprinting), Santander (ripped). Stewart and Mancini already in camp.
  20. Sure but to get them on the 26 to start clocks you have to vacate spots.
  21. Wouldn't that involve selling hi for more prospects to open spots?
  22. Never started one before so if I "F" it up, pardon this interruption in your regularly scheduled programming. But "What If". Last year there was thread about the WAR for teams qualifying for Playoffs and my memory says if you got to 25 WAR you were fighting for a WC berth. What if: Outfield of MC, Hays, Santander, with Gold Glove-caliber defense from Mullins, is giving you 8.5 WAR. Infield: 3B, SS, 2B giving you 3 WAR, Mancini is his 2019 self and Stewart takes to DH and they combine for 5.5 War and C chips in another 1.5 War. We are at 18.5. They go with a 6-man rotation to reduce innings load and all 6 starters are healthy and producing average results and the bullpen is above average, assume that gets you to 25 WAR. Zimmerman, Lowther, Baughman are dominating AAA and Grayrod and Hall are ready to move up to AAA. It's the end of July, O's are in WC spot, 300 M have been vaccinated and crowds are coming back to OPACY to see Mancini, Felix and Harvey. Put on your Orange-colored glasses (approved by WC) and pretend you are ME, "Watta ya gonna do"?? Sell hi and move Santander, Mancini and vet pitchers for prospects? Go out and get a piece or 2 for a run? Stand pat??
  23. You forgot the "Delivery looks like he’s on time", that's a new one.
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