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Everything posted by AnythingO's

  1. Why not do both by having him fill a tandem starter role like Wells-Akin. He can be the short half, like Akin, for Bradish or even Grason.
  2. I could very well be remembering wrong but didn't his relapse happen after he received the COVID vaccine?
  3. FTFY: What’s crazy is that he is pitching well ENOUGH. Fingers crossed. How often will we be able to say this in 2022? The Red Sox went 3-7 on a swing through Tampa Bay, Toronto and Baltimore to drop within a half-game of the last-place Orioles in the AL East.
  4. Regional Sports Network (MASN) viewership Year on Year
  5. Is Frederick going to have any non-affiliated baseball season this year?
  6. WC, For the last several years, IMO, they have found more competent SS then Odor (or Urias) on short term contracts and also have been able to trade them. Odor should not bump Urias from 2B. They need a better 3B option than Odor.
  7. Careful, you will soon be on the WC fanboy wavelength lol, jk, IDK, SSS, TINSTAAPP. You are correct, that's a significant uptick in MiLB "stuff", let's hope it soon demonstrates itself at the MLB level.
  8. Would Straily be expected to be more effective than Lyles? Could Straily sign a minors contract now with a Major League salary?
  9. I'm asking for a delayed Christmas present and both Mountcastle and Mancini go all Mancini 2019.
  10. West coast of FL, Sarasota-Fort Meyers is what I meant. Frobby is right that most people "assume" PA is incapacitated but we don't know if that is true. PA was/is a controlling man, used to being the final decision maker his whole life. JA has not shown any particular business acumen, although he does wear the MLB Executive hat. IMO whatever decision he makes that costs money over the current years budget, would need PA's blessing behind the scenes.
  11. You can't honestly believe that PA has relinquished total control to John. The same JA that PA assigned to task of fixing the spring training situation in Fort Lauderdale and failed? The same JA that PA assigned the task of negotiating a deal for the move to the West coast and failed? Both times required PA to step in. Then there is the remarkable job JA did with running MASN and all the interesting programming he brought online - Not. If PA has relinquished control to JA then PA has truly, completely lost all his faculties, which I don't believe we know.
  12. I think you would have to stipulate it is the GREATER OF 6 yrs or 28 tp cover the extended time frame for HS or Intl prospects to get to the Majors.
  13. SG is definitely NOT defending a low payroll, he is just stating a fact that there has been NO indication that Elias is going to spend this year to field a better product. That Elias is likely (IMO) at the mercy of John Angelos on payroll decisions, who has voiced the desire to move to Nashville in support of his wife's supposed country music career, and you have a team stuck in a cycle of another year like last year.
  14. Suzuki will get better offers than a month or two of ABs and then a guaranteed DFA I'm not sure that would be the case. I doubt AR catches over 100 games next year and Suzuki would be the OD starter for however long we need to wait to get the extra year. After that Suzuki would likely still get 1-2 starts per week.
  15. What about this guy? Could we stash him on IL all year? Red Sox: Thaddeus Ward, RHP (No. 20) Ward made only two Double-A starts before he needed Tommy John surgery this summer. The procedure is likely to force him out for much of 2022, and even then, he’ll be on a tight limit as he builds back to a starter’s workload. On paper, that might scare away Rule 5 teams and make Boston feel comfortable leaving Ward off the 40-man for now. But as noted, some clubs are willing to roll the dice on stashing injured pitchers on the IL and even carrying their Rule 5 status into a second season if need be. Ward has an above-average fastball and plus slider that could help him in a Major League bullpen when healthy.
  16. This. It makes me wonder if HH didn't agree with the input/direction he was getting on rehab and pitching repertoire?? Thinking no sinker-slider pitchers being developed indicates they have a "type" of pitcher they want to develop. Thinking of Matus before TTTP and 1st pitch strikes low and away. If he goes on to Jake A success level success doing it his own way.........
  17. I think he potentially "can" but I believe the question you are really asking is "will" he be as creative. Is he ready to move forward with FA acquisitions in 2022? That is the big?????
  18. The truly special ones just stand out, look different than everyone else on the field, see Mayo
  19. So Westburg is Best Athlete and Best Defensive Infielder but he gets moved to 2B over Henderson?? Seems illogical
  20. I'll take SG's 16 including Akin & Zimm for $15 M, keep Mancini and Santander for $10 M so 18 guys @ $25 M. I would add 2 SPs (E Rod, M Harvey) to eat innings with Means; 1 of Villar/Iggy/Galvis and an improved 3B (Harrison/Castro) for about $25 M so 22 guys @ $50 M. Deferred at $11 M and the last 4 at minimum so about $63 M for 26 guys.
  21. Doesn't he beat the ball into the ground at some absurd rate? With plus power shouldn't he be a candidate for a swing rebuild in the offseason? His D is a pleasure to watch.
  22. Wasn't his second flareup associated with getting the vaccination?
  23. I agree with the "loaded" observation but if we move from 50 to 80 wins a good number of those wins will come against those 4 teams because of unbalanced schedule. That said, we could spend $25 M next year (EdRod $15, 4-5 yrs, Harvey 2 M, about Castro 3B, $5 M, Iggy $2 M, new backup C) approach 65-70 wins and get a better understanding of what we have in Mullins, Means, Mancini, Mountcastle, maybe sell high midyear, and have a clearer picture of what we have in Mayo & Co, Kjerstad, Baumlier. We would still get another top 10 draft pick and could put a watchable product on the field. After Means, EdRod, Harvey, none of the prospects have enough success or IP to warrant a fulltime role in 22 so use tandems for the last 2 slots like is being done in the minors. 7 guys stay on a starter schedule (Akin, Kremer, Zimmerman, Lowther) with something like Lopez, Ellis, Woods in long relief. That leaves 3-4 slots for the backend which we won't need frequently. Somebody craps the bed you move on to Wells, Baughman, etc and shuffle the chairs.
  24. Last off season Means, Harvey, and Zimmerman went to performance clinics. Is that something the team can pay for? I thought they did it on their own. After this season I would think Akin, Kremer, Lowther would consider going as well.
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