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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. The pudgy faced applejohn has slimmed down some.
  2. Yesterday was nice, but it doesn't erase all the crap that this franchise has been through over the past few years. Overall, I am somewhat positive (hard to believe, I know) about where this team is headed. I like the prospects, I like the fact that they're investing in the Dominican and I think it'll pay off. Eventually. But that doesn't excuse other things. That doesn't excuse that they're probably going to lose 95+ games this year and be mostly miserable to watch. I admire the unflinching Pollyannas. But they've been so bad for so long it's hard for me to stay optimistic all the time.
  3. My mind isn't racing when it comes to this franchise. Quite the opposite, actually.
  4. And so it begins. How many times watching sports have you seen an injury start out as no big deal. And then you start wondering why the guy isn't back. And there's no word from the team. And it just keeps lingering and lingering and then all of a sudden it's something way worse than what was initially reported? I'm not saying that's what's happening here, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it did. And as excited as I am for AR, G-Rod and others, I'm not expecting them to change this team's fortunes as soon as they take the field, that's silly. In regards to the differences, I am forever tired of blaming the Orioles woes on the division and the "meat grinder" that they play in. I don't see Tampa making excuses.
  5. I always thought OPACY was about RF, Eutaw Street, the Warehouse, the groundskeepers dugout in RF, raised bullpens and not anything about what was happening in left field. As a matter of fact, LF was the only basic thing about the place that was cookie cutter. It was the only bland, boring part of the place. You could swap LF in Camden yards for any Plain Jane LF from any other stadium. I’m not saying I think it looks great, it’s just different. And it’s gonna take some getting used to. But the hyperbole is completely over the top.
  6. Shut up with your reasonable take, SG. Gosh.
  7. Accurate. I think any one of us would love to have had his career.
  8. I feel like I should be happy about this but I’m sure the corresponding move will result in someone equally unimpressive being added to the roster. I doubt it’s the last of Stewart but one can hope.
  9. I'll continue to rag on him when he regresses to his talent level.
  10. Good call, I mean a million prorated is way expensive for this team. But it's an MLB suspension pending, not an MiLB. It seems as if he can play in the minors without facing a suspension, right?
  11. I'm not sure how it works, but they should promote him now, get the 60 game suspension out of the way because I'm assuming in 60 games from now we'd probably need to haul his husk out there to get lit up by the Yankees and Sox since everyone else is probably ineffective.
  12. He's ok. I think he tries too hard with the pop culture references sometimes. At the end of the day, I don't care what they're explaining to me, I can see that with my own eyes. Give me the Jon Miller/Joe Angel/Gary Thorne golden pipes.
  13. Baker kinda impressive in his first appearance.
  14. It's called an Erg. Not a rowing machine. Concept2 or Water Rower?
  15. Get some sun on those pasty white legs.
  16. I think there should be a ban on having Opening Day at a place like The Trop. I get that everyone can't have Opening Day at their stadium, that's obvious. But to have an Opening Day at The Trop? Kind of a wet blanket for the day, IMO. Are you sure you haven't fired up that fatty already?
  17. I'm not sure what that has to do with anything.
  18. I've seen these guys! They're hilarious!
  19. I think I liked the orintohlogircaylreeally correct bird when it first came out in '89 because...well, it was new. I was also 8 and didn't know any better. But by the mid 90s, I really thought it was kind of lame. Especially with the tweaks they'd come out with every so often. I remember for a few years, I think in the early 2000s, it looked more like a pigeon than an Oriole. It was just so...ugh, boring. And bland. And businesslike. And unoriginal. Other bird teams like the Blue Jays had that sharp profile of the Jay with the maple leaf but then they went ahead and philanderered with their own cartoon bird before getting back to their roots. The Cardinals have the sweet interlocking STL logo. But yeah, we were rocking essentially a picture out of a Sibley Guide to Birds book. I like the cartoon bird a lot with the black panel and the orange bill like Tony posted above. Or a black panel, black bill is sweet, too. I cannot stand the O's Friday night hats, I think they're the worst that we've ever had.
  20. Gonna fire up the grill around 2:30, hope to have a couple of burgers ready to go for the first pitch.
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