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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I agree, it's a bit weird. Then again, I'm not sure why reporters are asking any questions about him. There's so much else to focus on and talk about instead of Chris Davis.
  2. Service time! Where's @Can_of_corn to keep bloodying that dead horse?
  3. Yeah, you're right. I'll take whatever we can get.
  4. I totally agree. But it also means in 2 months we'll have to make room for him.
  5. The only ongoing mystery is when they'll axe him.
  6. CoC is...right...ugh. As long as he's not risking injury. I don't know what the number of at bats a player need in ST to get up to speed or how many chances in the field that player would need. Bring him along slowly? He's a veteran, not a prospect.
  7. Not sure why he wouldn't be on the OD roster. I can hear SG now...THE OPENING DAY ROSTER DOESN'T MATTER. And he's right, it doesn't. But I figured signing him meant that they figured he'd been working out on his own and in good shape and not far from being ready to play.
  8. Pittsburgh's defense to start the game was terrible. Saw Yomer Sanchez drop the foul pop fly. Scary to think that our defense ended up worse.
  9. I'm hoping we get at least that in return. In regards to your OP, IMO I'm finding it hard to care about what's going on at catcher when there's a top flight prospect waiting in the wings. Quite frankly I'd hope that Severino, Sisco, or Ciuffo can show enough to be a firm backup for when AR arrives.
  10. 2023? You're being generous. 2024, more likely 2025.
  11. I think everyone knows that whoever we've got at catcher is a placeholder until AR arrives.
  12. Against the Pirates. Who are probably the one team more inept than us.
  13. I just looked at the box score for tonights game against the Pirates. 5 errors, wtf?
  14. I agree. Glad to see him hit a homer and usher out whatever pachyderm was in the room. He's gonna be fine.
  15. Gotta hand it to @interloper, the thread title was pretty funny.
  16. I sort of agree in regards to Severino and Sisco, however AR is being looked at as the future. I mean, KC and CHW probably weren't thinking that Witt and Vaughn weren't going to break camp and head north with the team but they're still finding ways to get their prospects a bunch of plate appearances. Kinda frustrating that we're not.
  17. I thought you've been on this board for awhile.
  18. So it begins.... I'm right there with you, Frobicito. Also, it's hard to see all the Witt love (and rightfully so, he looks like a beast) and not see AR perform similarly. While we're talking about sample sizes in ST here, seeing Witt and Vaughn absolutely rake while seeing AR not do as well isn't what any of us want to see. We want to see AR playing like those guys...but again, it's ST, it's a small sample size and it's not worth getting worked up about. That said, I'm a bit peeved that Witt and Vaughn have way more plate appearances. We discussed this yesterday, but I was hoping AR would get significantly more playing time in games this spring. There's no real reason he shouldn't be.
  19. Where's the wildcard that's all like "LeBlanc threw two scoreless innings in a late September game and finished his season on a high note so I think he can be a really good pitcher for us." ? LeBlanc needs that wildcard, not this one that's rooted in reality.
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