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Everything posted by backwardsk

  1. Why can’t they use the old one?
  2. They are really mad that Rendon went to LAA.
  3. Fun fact that I read: the past four World Series featured 8 of the 10 highest paid pitchers. They featured 0 of the top 10 paid position players.
  4. Did they stop selling water at Camden Yards? Because, from what I’ve read on here, there are no healthy alternatives to soda. And is it also true that people are required to buy food at the stadium?
  5. Would you turn down a chance to play behind Bundy?
  6. Are there good apps to stream Japanese and Korean baseball games?
  7. Question about how they calculate the luxury tax. I know they don’t factor in deferments and take the yearly average. But how does the following work? Howie Kendrick signed a two year/10.5M deal. But the second is a team option. His first year is 4M, his second is 6.5M. They owe him $2.5M if they don’t exercise the option. So he’s guaranteed $6.5M. What is his number for luxury tax purposes? I know you weren’t expecting math, but is it $6.5M or $5.25M or $4M?
  8. Gregorius to Philadelphia for $14M. Wonder if they move Seguria.
  9. Just like the Werth contract set them back years. And then the Zimmerman extension crippled them financially. Then the big overpay for Corbin. Take a look at Tyson’s. The Lerners aren’t running out of money. Strasburg’s contract most likely will be an overpay in terms of WAR vs dollar, but it won’t stop them from spending more money, won’t prevent them finding international FAs, and won’t prevent them from drafting and developing.
  10. Bettis is a guy one can root for in this lost season.
  11. Philly spent most of their prospect capital on Reamulto. I’d like to see how this works.
  12. Despite what Lerner said, they can still afford Rendon if they do a short term contract. They got under the luxury tax last season and had about $90M to spend to match last year. Scherzer comes off the books prior to Soto and Robles go to arbitration.
  13. 7/$245 for Strasburg’s return to Washington.
  14. The bar is really low, but they jettisoned a league average starter. Doubt they replace that. Is it fair to expect more from Means?
  15. It’s about health. Gonzalez was unavailable for 18 games in late August/September first half. And was unavailable for another nine game stretch earlier in the season.
  16. The team that won the World Series carried 12 position players for the majority of the season. I was wondering if teams had that roster flexibility, especially if one group was heavy with non-option able players. Thanks for answering the question.
  17. Since this guy has positional flexibility, I’ll pose my question here. Does the new 26 man roster have conditions on it? In other words, is a team limited in the number of pitchers it can carry? I believe I read something about that, but wasn’t sure if that was the final rule.
  18. I would think he would be on the higher end of the nontender group. But I can’t figure out this 2B market.
  19. This post would have been gold if you ended it with “than I’m doing ok”
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