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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. We all forget these guys are real people. All these guys seem very close which I think makes them a little better. I am sure this is tough on them as people. Baumann has too good of stuff not to get picked up. He is the type of player that the Orioles have picked up in the last few years and had success with. I won’t be shocked if he ends up having success somewhere else.
  2. Mullins is going to get the majority of the starts until the All-Star Break to get him to turn it around. They are a better team with him in CF and he is just hitting in the mid 200’s. If he continues to struggle then they may have to make some changes.
  3. I think it is easy to say after a rough start of his major league career but look at the stats Holliday put up at all levels last year. Just about EVERYONE had the opinion he didn’t make the team out of spring training for additional service time. He starts off the AAA season on fire. Did Bobby Witt move too fast through KC’s system? Hindsight is 20/20.
  4. It is May 17th. The Yankees are playing well but they were doing this 2 years ago and didn’t keep it up. Lets see if Judge can stay healthy for the rest of the season. If he does they will be a good team but as we know winning the division doesn’t assure you anything in the playoffs.
  5. I don’t expect Mayo or Kjersted barring injury to play any significant role here to at least after the All Star Break if then. The Orioles are going to give, Cedric Mullins, Colton Cowser, and Austin Hayes at least to the All Star break consistent playing time. I see Jackson Holliday if he starts hitting consistently at AAA, as the most likely to get another chance at the major league level before the others. Mostly because they believe has the most likely chance of being ready to stay up here.
  6. Time for Mateo, McKenna, Kjerstad, and Mullins to play the rest of this game.
  7. Wow, things have fallen apart this inning. You can’t win them all. Hopefully they exercise these bad demons all in this game.
  8. Dunk and Roy gave up when they got up this morning on the Orioles!
  9. If you get the force at the plate no runs score. Then the next was a flyout to center which would have been the third out. No earned runs.
  10. This is probably Kjerstad’s last game before he is sent down for Austin Hayes tomorrow. Maybe if he has some success he can save his roster spot.
  11. I was going to tell you I thought the voicemail’s would be there because they are on whatever carrier service you have not the phone itself but I didn’t wouldn’t to get your hopes up. Glad that was correct. Set up the auto backup.
  12. That is a little beyond his capability. Normal cable companies like Verizon and Comcast don’t broadcast in 1080P on most channels. There are a few but most are not.
  13. I know I am the minority opinion here but the Apple TV picture is worth figuring this all out. It is all broadcasted in stunning 1080P.
  14. As I predicted!!!
  15. I think Tyler Wells is going to end up getting the job. Suarez for now.
  16. What is he going to say? No I am done with him. He can say he will stick with him, but lets see who he puts in next save situation.
  17. Orioles are going to win this!!
  18. That was a nice at bat by Cowser and just a better pitch by Finnegan.
  19. Well that isn’t going to happen.
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