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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I get what you are saying. I will assume I am older than you and probably might have felt the same 20 years ago. In my later years, I have tried to live by the philosophy to worry about the things you can control and let go of the things you can’t. Many things good are temporary and many bad things are inevitable. I hope we all get to see some kind of O’s dynasty however long it lasts.
  2. Don’t let him spoil your fun. He is going to be well off whether or not you decide to go to a playoff game. You are supporting these players for what they have accomplished. They seem well deserved of our support.
  3. He was but he even retired from that. His brother Mark took that over. Mike liked coaching his own kids. Your portrayal of Mike is correct he is a ride into the sunset guy.
  4. There is no issues with Mike Mussina and the Orioles from Mike’s point of view. Mike was inducted in the Orioles Hall of Fame and came down and was honored. Mike’s brother and I sat at a game less than a month ago with Mark’s son wearing an Orioles #35 Mussina jersey rooting for the Orioles.
  5. I really want the division. Just making the wildcard would be a disappointment at this point.
  6. I will admit it I will be rooting for the Yankees the next 3 games. I am not expecting much. I will take one out of 3. Veteran teams like them where many of them have been paid and aren’t playing for the next bigger contracts have packed it in. The know their manager will not be there next year. Just not a good combination.
  7. I read it, you predicted the Yankees will win this series. I will be happy if they win 1 but I expect them to get swept.
  8. I wouldn’t count on that. The Yankees are in free fall. Their manager is a dead man walking.
  9. I think Peter uses “The Yankees” as a metaphor because that is what pisses off Oriole fans more than anything else. The point is Gunnar may be with Atlanta, Grod with Miami, Adley with Seattle but they will more likely with someone else as they approach free agency as long as John Angelos controls the Orioles. Saying “The Yankees” lands the punch easier.
  10. I suspect they asked around before they decided they were going to try to go for it. I just don’t think there are too many GM’s out there willing to give up more than one big prospect for even a player with Ohtani’s skills when he is healthy for a rental. I heard people talk about Holliday, Grod and more for him. There is no way. I can see one if that somehow you know you would win a World Series but there is realistically no way of knowing that. With all the layers of playoffs it is too risky for one shot. Give me the Atlanta Braves of the 1990’s. Yes they only won 1 World Series but they were good every year.
  11. I just heard on 105.7 Flaherty said he just didn’t bounce back from his last start but didn’t sound too specific on what that meant. It sounded like he wouldn’t be starting anytime soon.
  12. I just spoke to my Oriole rep and he said Saturday is close to a sell out.
  13. Yea, I agree with this whole heartily. Most people here don’t expect to resign all the good ballplayers. We aren’t the Yankees or the Dodgers and I don’t think anyone here deludes themselves that we are. Gunnar, Adley, Grayson, and most likely Holliday can be generational type players. What do 3 out of 4 of them have in common? They were picked at the top of the draft? Hopefully that isn’t going to happen that many times in the near future. So it will become harder to find those type of players. I love Cedric, Hayes, Santander, Westburg, and the good Mountcastle just to name a few but you can’t sign everyone and maintaining a farm system by strategically trading these players at the correct times and drafting well they can be replaced. To expect to draft as well the next 3 or 4 years as we have the last is naive. Holliday and Gunnar are Boros clients which may eliminate them from early deals. He has done them before but it is the definitive exception. That is up to them and is their right. The problem I see and this bad publicity doesn’t help is there is so much uncertainty to the future of ownership of the Orioles. I don’t think that helps an agent to encourage their clients to make long term commitments to the Orioles.
  14. The reason they wait until Peter Angelos dies to sell the team is not to avoid estate taxes but capital gain taxes. You are correct on that point.
  15. I would love Gunnar to do it but his agent tells me otherwise. I am going to root for him hard as long as he wears the Orioles uniform.
  16. Lol, but Bourbon Bob has Secretariat’s lead in the Belmont. At least JA has stayed sober enough to hire a real front office that has built a decent team. He hasn’t gone in the dugout to call any plays.
  17. Great article in The Baltimore Banner that kind of sums up all the John Angelos news of the day. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/sports/orioles-mlb/angelos-orioles-stadium-lease-goon-BKD5EDEC5NBABFE2OVV53JQIP4/?schk=YES&rchk=YES&utm_source=The+Baltimore+Banner&utm_campaign=e763edfa68-NL_PMSC_20230821_1856&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-e763edfa68-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&mc_cid=e763edfa68&mc_eid=c989887d3a I have read a couple things written by Kyle Goon and have enjoyed them.
  18. John Angelos is typical result of inheriting wealth and position and not earning it.
  19. They might not have to sell the team if she gets it but she has expressed interest in not owning it going forward. She can take advantage of the step-up basis once he passes to reduce capital gains taxes to zero.
  20. I can see Irvin being slotted ahead of Gibson at this point. Irvin won’t run out of innings capacity and has been a more effective starter lately.
  21. At John Angelos’ request, Maryland officials considered filing antitrust suit against MLB to aid Orioles during MASN dispute https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-angelos-orioles-mlb-masn-suit-20230821-jhbj7u3fcrhebgybiiizkz6wve-story.html I will throw this in this thread. This is in the Sun that Angelos asked the State of MD to sue baseball to aid him in the MASN suit. I will give him this he has big kahones. I give the state credit for not swatting at that hornets nest. We could be know as the state that tried to take its NFL team by eminent domain and sue Baseball in an antitrust suit.
  22. Don't attack me, I am just stating a fact not defending Angelos. I am 63 years old by the way.
  23. In 2016 the owner had a thriving law practice bringing in millions of dollars outside of the bottom line of the baseball team.
  24. The biggest reason is it is their main source of revenue now and they are basically waiting for the owner to pass away because of tax consequences of selling before he passes away. Until this resolves itself they are going to run this as cheap as they can.
  25. Yes but there will be end of the world posts after the next loss.
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