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Everything posted by LookinUp

  1. If you're right, a lot of other people are wrong. I hope you're not right, but I don't have the first clue what's up.
  2. Man I hope it works out for this kid. He's so close.
  3. Right. I used to prefer Hall because of his actual elite upside as a lefty. His control issues became more apparent as Rodriguez's upside started to emerge as elite too, so I flipped. I know elite's a word that we shouldn't throw around a ton, but the upside of these two is off the charts and they're at a better spot arguably than any group we've had here in a long time. Think of this list of misses and good but not great guys. Loewen was supposed to be awesome, but never performed. Matt Riley was hyped, but rushed and seemingly didn't have the maturity for the gig. Matusz was a top pick, but without elite stuff. Arrieta was pretty electric in the minors and was grouped with Matusz/Hernandez and others, so that was certainly a nice crop. Gausman didn't have the 3rd pitch. Harvey does have an elite arm was hurt almost from the jump. Even Bundy's crazy elite profile was tempered almost immediately by velocity drops and shoulder issues. Then there's Hobgoo..... These two have crossed time/stuff/performance hurdles that many of our other guys haven't. They're not here yet. They have risk, and Hall still does with command for sure, but they're the best top 2 pitching prospects we've paired since McDonald/Mussina, IMO.
  4. My 'optimist' take is that the O's are identifying and working through his issues now, whereas Wieters was able to get through the minors on talent alone and never did address his swing path issues.
  5. Gotta wonder where AR is at the end of this year. Not that I don't like him, but his hitting transition takes some luster off for sure, and there's 3 guys looking like real studs right behind him. Conversely, it seems like Joey Ortiz could be the highest riser of the group.
  6. It wasn't that long ago that Hall was rated higher than Grayson pretty much everywhere. It's true that Grayson's profile has improved, but that still speaks to Hall's upside. If it has clicked with this guy, you're looking at a nasty 1-2 of Hall/Rodriguez in some order pretty soon.
  7. LookinUp

    Joey Ortiz 2021

    Hitting clean up too I believe.
  8. I literally came here to post that same discussion. Maybe sitting at 5 is a great spot this year.
  9. Seems ambitious to me. I don't he's on the radar for then. Not impossible if he's truly special, but most likely is 2023 or even 2024 at this point.
  10. It's still true that an outfield of Hays, Mullins and Santander, with Mancini/Mountcastle at 1b/DH is our best alignment. Man it would be nice if he could be healthy.
  11. It's very possible that the O's spoke about myocarditis and were wrong to do so. In that case, they're quite possibly buttoning up about it now because they've been called to the carpet. But that's pure speculation on my part. We do know something's wrong. We have no idea how likely that something is to derail this guy's career. Anything in that space IS pure speculation. The rest is just a desire to know details about what's wrong.
  12. This is one of the more random threads I've ever seen.
  13. Sucks for her. She could work for a talented team. Instead they moved her to the Orioles.
  14. You're a message board poster, not a major newspaper editor, so you can be forgiven pretty easily for getting the story off by a bit. The story isn't Roch, it's Santander and whether he'll be traded. Roch is somewhat plugged into that issue, so he's posted on it a bit. As others have said, it's his job.
  15. Personally, I value him lower than all of Jones, Vavra and Hall, but he can make a case too.
  16. Not gonna lie, what we've done at 2B makes me think that the front office is enamored with one of the guys in the minors. I expect Jones, Vavra, Hall or Bannon to be getting a shot in the next couple of months. I assume Jones.
  17. I can see into the future. It happens as follows. The O's get sick of Hays' injuries and throw him into a trade as a 3rd piece for a starting pitcher. Hays goes to 4 all star games with said new team. That's it. That's the future.
  18. You might be right. Personally, I'm not concerned with the cancer coming back soon, but that might be a poor assumption by me. Not all cancers are alike. My impression is that Mancini's was able to be removed and that there's no reason to think more is in his body. I know that's easy for me to say, but I think the odds are low.
  19. If Mancini is a middle of the order bat, he has trade value. That's why the deadline is July 31. Teams regularly over pay for the stretch run. I'd love to have Mancini in my lineup if I was a contender. Not all need him, but at least one will if (big if) he's hitting like a middle of the order bat.
  20. I'd have to get Baumann or Lowther as a starting point (assuming Hall is too rich). I see Lowther as a Davies type (value wise). Baumann's injury would scare me even though I personally rate a healthy Baumann VERY high. After the headliner, I'd probably want two more guys with legit upside. Maybe Baumler and Stowers. Those are guys whose rankings in our system could really jump once they start playing again. I'd have to give it some thought whether guys like Vavra or Kevin Smith would fit that depth angle. Maybe Adam Hall, depending on what you think about him. But a package of 3 like that.
  21. We've gone back and forth and have a little bit of a disagreement, but to me you keep Santander and even consider re-signing him unless one of these two things are true: 1. We strongly believe in the ability to replace him. That's most likely our prospects. 2. We get a very strong return. I don't need a very strong return if 1 is true, but if 1 isn't true, I'd just assume keep the guy without some kind of excess value in the trade.
  22. There's a focus on Santander because he's good and Elias is probably thinking he can get good talent back. I don't think the O's just trade him for a pretty good package though unless they really do like their outfield prospects.
  23. If the O's do trade Santander it's a good sign because it likely means they really highly value some of their OF prospects, IMO. They could trade anyone if they're blown away, but I don't think teams are offering top 30 guys for Santander.
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