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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. 29 ip is a lot for this time of year. You can see some wear on Cano already. My worry is they burn Cano & Bautista and then really find themselves in a funk. They need to infuse some new talented arms into the bullpen mix if they are going to continue down this path.
  2. I’m a little worried about Gibson’s so/w and so9 #s this year. Very low. Almost 2 so9 less than last year. He’s walking a tick lower than his career norms so far this year. The big thing is he isn’t giving up HRs. Is he getting lucky, is the Wall helping him, is he pitching better? Not sure, but the lack of Ks has me a bit worried for regression. With that said - he’s been a fantastic surprise and addition so far this year.
  3. If Kyle Gibson wins 20 (or even 19) games this year, the offense will have had a darn good year.
  4. I went back and checked Orsulak's numbers. Orsulak logged 507 games between 1989-1992. Imagine majority of those 507 was with Anderson and Deveraux. Probably not the most bit a significant amount.
  5. Devo & Anderson 89-94 + 96 has to be up there for a two-some.
  6. Sat down and it was 8-1 1 out runner on first bot 6. Next ball goes right over Tony’s heads and everything has good downhill from there. Gonna do y’all a favor and turn this one off.
  7. Mateo is gonna be hitting sub .200 in a few weeks at this pace. Lotta whiff at pitches outside zone and weak contact on pitches inside zone.
  8. Y'all are hilarious. Who cares. Did you really think they weren't going to bring in a cheap CF option? This move tells me they like something about Daz and want to keep him in system and keep working with him. There isn't anyone else in the system that can play CF consistently. McKenna & Hicks will platoon in CF for a week or two. Woopty doo. It's May.
  9. 162 is a lot of games to not go into a little slump. I think we will be ok.
  10. This is where I am. I’d love a stud SP but this FO is very risk averse. I see them solidifying the bullpen and that’s about it.
  11. Always go a little bigger and shrink down. Like a loose fit now as an old man. Have a good idea on brands. I’m a sucker for a new hat. Stoked on my new Tides hat.
  12. I’m digging it. I like the color popping out. Cool concept. More to it than first appeared. I like the white belt. The hat is $$.
  13. I got a hat today. The jerseys are growing on me. I like the color on the inside.
  14. The entire season kind of rests on whether or not he goes on a heater in late October or is stone cold.He can be a one man wrecking ball for a few weeks at a time.
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