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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. If you go you HAVE to be safe. Already in scoring position.
  2. I might owe him an apology for calling him garbage @Can_of_corn
  3. I like the apple thing tonight! I’m in NC and MASN is blacked out. I get to watch the game live and not a replay.
  4. What was AF doing off bag on the tag play. They got lucky. Bad fundamentals by AF. Need to see another angle.
  5. Maybe I'm making this up, but I could have sworn I read that Sig was very against the Verlander trade and some of the other big signings. They thought the development system could create the perfect player and wanted to do everything internally. I own a construction company and kind of liken the thought to using sub-contractors vs. employees. I loath sub-contractors because they were not trained by us, do not know our system, and do not perform at the high standard we demand. I do think they will make a trade at some point, but I'm not sure it's going to be any crazy blockbuster (fingrers crossed for Burnes). I think they truly believe they can do this entire thing in house. Is that the right approach? I dunno. Not sure I have an opinion on it either. I am, however, incredibly curious to see how it plays out. I just find it comical they are doing things differently than the industry standard, having success, and people are telling them they are doing it wrong and screwing everything up along the way.
  6. I've seen him pitch a good bit in the minors at Delmarva & Norfolk. He got a lot of help from the poor batters he faced. His stuff was so nasty they mostly guess and when they guess wrong they looked silly swinging at pitches out of the zone. He had not problems getting MiLBers out and had 4 very good pitches to choose from. I saw his 2 starts before his injury and he was seemingly controlling just about everything and had very good command of his slider and curve. I've always thought his curve was nasty and wondered why he didn't throw it more. I was at the Angels game with a good view. He was popping 99 fairly consistently with the fastball which was very good to see. Can't remember seeing him up there that consistently - honestly that was my biggest take away from the entire game. I was very excited to see those velo numbers and it made me think his other stuff is going to fall in line shortly. He pitched around Ohtani in the first and that threw off his mechanics a bit. None of those pitches were competitive. It looked like it took him a little while to get his feel back after that AB. The 0-2 2 out pitch that Urshela doubled for 2rbi really threw him through a loop as well. To me he just looks green & raw. I think the stuff is excellent, he's just going to have to learn that you can't take a break at any point, you can't throw non-competitive pitches on a pitch around that are going to screw up your mechanics moving forward and that you have to move on quickly when things don't go your way. The stuff he got away with in the minors he will not be able to get away with at the MLB level and I'm confident he will figure it out fairly quickly. He seems like a very intelligent and motivated young man. Folks calling for his demotion are a little short sighted I think.
  7. It cracks me up when the hot take is doing the opposite of what they've done to achieve success. Not that I disagree with all or some of what he is saying, it's just funny to me. "Look at this team with the second-best record in baseball. they have no chance at winning unless they make some wholesale changes immediately.''
  8. As much as I love Adley, we have him for 5 more years and he's a catcher. Who knows what he looks like after 5 years of abuse behind the plate(especially at the rate they are playing him). I think he is a riskier proposition, and we have some depth at the position coming up behind him.
  9. If they turn it down, you know where you stand and can plan accordingly for the future. I imagine they are having these conversations with all the player's agents at all times. I'd be shocked if they had not floated some potential deals to his agent already. It sure will be interesting to see what happens. The Orioles fan in me expects to see them all walk in FA or traded with two years left.
  10. I think if we want him long term, now is the time to offer the deal. He's only going to get more expensive as days go by. If the forecasting team deems him the man, pay him.
  11. You've been there? No way! My favorite neighborhood bar was Taska Gat...which translates in Valenciano to Bar Cat, but it's a play on words....t'has cagat or te has cagado (in castellano) meaning 'you $hit yourself'
  12. I’m 43. I’m my lifetime there has never been a more exciting time.
  13. It blows my mind that after watching Adley & Gunnar light up the minors Jackson is making them look like children. The kid is the complete package.
  14. Not offended at all - just saying I wouldn’t speculate on someone’s background w/o facts. Yea, I don’t think he will sign a friendly deal. But, with that said - we all have no idea what his priorities are.
  15. Crowd the plate, try to get hit, & do not swing.
  16. I try get there every other year or so depending on surf forecasts and free time. Money goes a long way. Yes, the majority of the working class has a very basic life. I just wouldn’t go calling someone impoverished unless I knew w/o a doubt that was the case. And who knows, maybe Jackson’s situation allows him to take a lesser deal that will get him to the majors quicker, allow him to establish himself as an MLBer earlier, and cash in on the second contract. At the end of the day the agent works for the player and is paid to look out for their interests no matter what they may be.
  17. emmett16

    Cade Povich 2023

    Seems like an easy fix. Have him skip every other start. In all seriousness it crazy how he can go from having command of a few pitches to absolutely no control. He’s been an interesting guy to follow.
  18. That first appearance v. Sox was so awesome. To be 30 having made 30MM in baseball is nothing to sneeze at. He had a solid career.
  19. Impoverished? His dad (and brothers) were pro players and his uncles are Willy & Erik Aybar. I imagine he grew up fairly comfortable but who knows. Not something I’d speculate on, however.
  20. When I lived in Valencia I had a flat on a major 4 lane circle with 11 entry points and a 4 lane major Avinguda running through the middle. Interesting fact about Valencia (in early 2000s) was there were 1 million parking spots in the city and 2 million cars. It was perfectly acceptable to park your car just about anywhere. You were even allowed to double parallel park cars in (two rows of parallel parked cars) so long as you left your car in neutral and the parking break off. People would double park two rows around the entire circle. Right around 4-5ish every afternoon as people went home from work, there would invariably be random cars parked one lane off the sidewalk acting as a little island as traffic flowed around it. There wasn’t one week that went by that there was a fairly major accident. We had chairs set up at our window and would drink beers watching cars slam in to each other. Sometimes circles don’t work, but I’m still a big fan.
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