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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I want Bradish as my #4 next year behind a rookie G Rod and two high-end acquisitions. That’s the plan they’ve been spouting and it’s time to see it in action.
  2. Baumann will be in the pen next year I have to imagine. Back to Hall. I was not excited to see him come up this year. I didn’t think he was ready. Now with some MLB seduce and almost 100 innings under his belt, I’d like to see his next year’s inning totals all be in Baltimore. He needs to show he can throw strikes in spring training. I really think the light bulb is good in going to go on, I think we just have to be patient. It would be great for him to get 1 or 2 more opportunities and have him perform well to end season on a high note. His time in AAA should be done.
  3. I have to think he’s right there. He had an incredible season and is only 22. He’s a legit MLB impact prospect has to be close to, if not in the top 100.
  4. I want two more wins 83-79 has a nice ring up it. 84-78 would be icing on the cake at this point. Would be nice to finish with a little flurry.
  5. Because he dominated his last few outings. Last test for Elias is seeing a player rebound from adversity at the highest minor league level (AAA). 11 ip 17ks 1BB 6H OR in last two starts at Norfolk*
  6. He’s recovering from a significant injury and had t pitched for almost 3 months. I think it’s a different situation. Also why I’m not advocating for putting Hall in the rotation any time soon.
  7. I think every player is an individual case. I would be ok trading him but with lack of pitching prospects, I need to get impact pitching back. How likely is that? Also, how many innings do you expect him to throw next year? He threw 96 ip this year, 31 last year, 0 2020, 80 2019, 94 2018. I’d like to see him get 125 innings next year. I don’t want to waste those in the AAA. I think he has the potential to be exceptional but I think it is going to take time. First half of the season Id like to see him get acclimated to the league in 2-3 inning stints one time through the order to prep him to start games in the second half. Or trade him. I don’t think there os much he can do to get better in AAA at this point.
  8. That’s about how I feel. He can get MLB hitters out and learn up here in 2-3ip stints until he takes off and forces his way into the rotation.
  9. The main reason you pick it up is depth. He would need to be 6th man and would be nice to have if we ran into a rash of injuries. But that’s really all his value for a team trying to contend.
  10. Is this even a question? Odor w/o a doubt.
  11. Best guy in spring training. Looking like Kremer or Bradish. I think they should put Wells in the bullpen and have him do Akins job at a masterful level. I don’t think he is durable for a SP load. Lyles is gone. Means is just second half depth. Voth is depth. If Spencer Watkins is on the 40 man something went wrong with the off-season. I think Hall goes to AAA or they give him 100 ip out of the bullpen(my preference). Bauman same as Hall. The way I see it we have Rotation: 1. Grayson 2. Kremer 3. Bradish 4. need to acquire 5. Need to acquire SP depth/bullpen/piggyback types: 1. Voth 2. Wells 3. Hall 4. Bauman Not sure I’m too interested in anyone else. We should acquire 2 if not 3 pitchers this off-season. 2 starters and a dominate late inning type.
  12. He looks like he’s going to need wheelchair in a couple years. I think he is content to be done this year.
  13. “We take pride in helping the young guy,” pitcher Jordan Lyles said Friday. “We got a lot of young talented guys here, excited, happy, fortunate to be a part of it. But as older guys we might not be here in the future but this organization, the city of Baltimore is definitely in good hands.” Jordan Lyles
  14. I really like Jordan Lyles. His post game interviews are great and you can tell he’s a genuinely good guy. When he throws like he has tonight you almost think about re-signing him. I’ve had that brief thought a few times this year, but then you look at the big picture stats and there is just no way we can have him on our roster if we are really trying to win. The kids saw what a pro looks like, now they need to see what a proven winner is like to lead your group. I hope Lyles’s can parlay this season into a nice pay day. He will def have his spot in orioles lore when thinking about us exciting and gritty 2022 team.
  15. I feel like they are going to do two Minor League Player of the year like last year. I think Norby might be one of the two. It’s going to be hard to pick this year, lots of good candidates.
  16. Was about to sit down and watch the game. Then I saw the lineup…… No odor WTF? I have better things to do. Will check in later.
  17. Dang, Tony! Finish strong why don’t ya?
  18. Let’s remember his slow stretch at Aberdeen & Norfolk when he comes up to Baltimore and struggles at first. Elias loves nothing more than to see a prospect rebound from a slump.
  19. Dumb S. Go ahead and steal, but pick out a good pitch. You Have you best guy up. edit- lost a run! Ugh!
  20. Man, if we could just play the Astros more often we’d be good to go.
  21. Wow - 3 games in a row that the starters go for 7ip. When was the last time that happened? One more inning 3 games @ 8ip by starters in a row seems like really rare territory.
  22. Santander can’t recognize that seeing it 4 times in a row. Must be some Kind of nasty. All 4 were balls. Ugh
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