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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Thats about to change in a big big way. https://www.baseballamerica.com/stories/reports-ncaa-considering-lifting-scholarship-limit-as-part-of-lawsuit-settlement-talks/
  2. I think Tony’s piece is a fair critique. I also think their methods are a work in progress and they will continue to learn and hone their drafting and development process. There are some college guys (EBJ, Fabian, Etzel, Horvath) in the system that could still “pop” and be big time prospects but time will tell. Norby, Stowers, & Ortiz may turn out to be a solid group of post-first rounders as well. I believe this draft will be very telling…will they change up and go for more pitchers? Or will they continue with the bat approach?
  3. Me too. I don’t take too much from 35 games played, though. It really does paint a picture of this year’s run suppression when you see his OPS is .042 lower than 2020 while his OPS+ is 5 points higher. I love that his avg EV, HardH%, and Oppo% are all at career highs. His BB % is at a career low but so are his Whiff%, Chase%, and K%. It looks to me like has improved a bit and is becoming the best possible version of himself.
  4. I know he did* and you know what I mean.
  5. Will Mounty finally top .800 this year?
  6. Simple, simple, simple…be simple. His move to the ball is simple and repeatable. Love his approach.
  7. I think they use their best pitcher with their least potent offense to balance out the odds.
  8. He must have a soft spot for you. He put you at #3....
  9. Thanks. I was hoping you weren’t going to say that but had a feeling that was the case. Agree on Acevedo - he looks the part. You can’t teach his size and speed and athleticism. I hope he keeps it up.
  10. That makes what Gunnar is doing all the more special. Good info, thanks. Had heard offense is down, but those numbers really drive the point home.
  11. Glad to see Stiven Acevedo make the list! I have high hopes for him. He’s been on a heater and his numbers are starting to garner some attention.
  12. @Tony-OH Luis Almeyda keeps steadily rising? What am I missing? I saw he had a pretty good last week of May. Leads me To believe that maybe you e heard something about him from one of your sources.
  13. Didn’t he get stabbed outside a strip joint?
  14. It’s not about the kids having leverage for the MLB draft. I’m talking about kids going into 6th & 9th grade with aspirations of playing D1 baseball. The 11.7 scholarship and unpaid amateur (collegiate) baseball is about to be a thing of the past. Kids are reclassing so that they are more of a bigger, stronger, faster finished product for D1 schools. The transfer portal has made a huge impact. Baseball academies have made a big impact. Getting a spot to play on college has never been harder. The better players will get a full ride AND get paid handsomely. There are going to be a lot more lucrative options for all young players through other channels that weren’t available in the past.
  15. Right after his bro finished his CWS regional game at ECU. What a day for the Norby Family.
  16. It’s going to be interesting. People I’ve talked to think that HS baseball will disappear. At least for the elite players whose goal is to play after HS.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. He will do his rehab as a FA w/o a team - fairly unique. A cheap 2 year deal (league minimum) would be a fantastic gesture and a solid low risk depth move.
  18. He looks like a completely different guy from a month ago. Stronger, faster, quicker. I had just about written him off, but he looks like a new man. We never know what’s really going on behind the scenes. I’m happy for Hays, easy guy to pull for. If he does well it just pushes the other guys to get better. I love it.
  19. The re-class thing seems to almost be the norm now. Mix in new scholarship/NIL rules coming next year and it will be an even more popular option. It’s about to get crazy. College programs offering 6 & 7 year figures for 4 year commitments. We are entering the wild Wild West.
  20. Win the division. To want/desire anything else is stupidity.
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