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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. Not all guys are going to succeed. Of those 3 backup outfielders likely only 1 becomes an impact player. How do you know who that will be? I think there is something to be said to having an incredibly talented player ahead of you trying to leap frog as well as having an incredibly talented guy behind you pushing to take your spot.
  2. I think that is precisely the question and an argument can be made both ways. Spread out your talent or max out in one spot. But with an organization that develops talent so well, it sees to me spreading out the talent and developing that talent can have a more profound effect.
  3. G Rod & Bradish are legit top end guys. Means and Kremer are legit mid rotation guys. Wells and Irvin are legit back end guys. Thats 6 before you get to the wildcard in Hall. That’s 7 guys. I’d like to have 8 potential starters going into a season before counting on AAA guys. So in a perfect world I’d like one acquisition. But we have 2-3 guys in AAA that should be able to contribute by the end of the year. I think that’s good depth and all with upside.
  4. Look at the Rays last year and the players they lost throughout the season. +195 run dif by stacking talent and bringing up the next guy when someone went down.
  5. I don’t think you can plan/account for luck. They had the 5th best run differential in baseball and should improve on that number next year as their young players improve.
  6. Yes they can. Norby isn’t on the 40 man. They finished last year with those guys (minus Norby) and Frazier on the 26 man. They have 7 SP candidates going into the year. An additional SP would be nice and depth is good, but they don’t have to do something for the sake of doing something. They can take a slow and methodical approach because they’ve put themselves in a position to do so.
  7. I sure don’t think they are a lock to repeat 101 wins. But they’ve shown steady improvement each year and I don’t see any indication to suggest next year will be any different. I expect the players to all improve after one more year of development and confidence from last year’s success. Only thing that can hold them back is injury, which is why I place so much importance in quality depth.
  8. No they don’t. Maybe next year you can make that argument. They have top level depth. Appreciate it. They have put themselves in a position to forge a path of their choosing. They don’t have to do anything.
  9. He could care less. The longer it happens, the more impressive he looks, and the more valuable he becomes.
  10. I truly believe his “inability” to make a trade is based on his belief that his players are better than those being offered and prefers to stick with the players they hand picked and developed. We will find out soon enough if that is arrogance or sound evaluation skills.
  11. After today’s game might be a bad look to date a gal that stole a Taylor Swift song.
  12. Man, I was salty when we gave up Hernaiz. I think that kid is gonna be a good MLBer. With that said, I’d love to see Irvin take a step and be the reliable back end guy we traded for. If he could make that step, it would be absolutely massive.
  13. He’s gonna bring someone in. He likes building depth. I don’t think it will be anyone that makes this site happy but I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t bring in a #5 that pushes Hall & Wells to the pen.
  14. Thank god The Carribean Series starts on Thursday. There is only so much off-season nonsense and not watching baseball I can take.
  15. He’d have to be highest AAV player in league. Do it.
  16. After a beer bong you typically do an ice luge, no?
  17. I think my favorite O’s interaction was when my wife had a work event/retreat in 2012 for a week in San Francisco. The O’s were in town and her company had a lunch/open bar in RF of AT&T stadium during batting practice before the game. They had the area under the RF wall rented out and a fence extended out to the warning track so we could hang on the field and chat with the players. I spent a good bit of time talking with Hammel & Hunter. Hunter was hysterical and was launching balls over the massive wall into McCovey cove. Shagging/avoiding batted balls was a blast and we were able to get autographs (helped out by Hammel and Hunter of a lot of players on the team). Being part of that magical run made it all the more enjoyable. My favorite interaction with non-O’s was as a middle School kid. My dad went to Georgia Tech and would send me to Jim Morris and then later Randy Hall baseball camp. In ‘92 my camp counselor for the week was Jason Varitek. The infield stations coach was Nomar Garciapara and the outfield stations coach was Jay Payton. It was pretty awesome when they made it to the ‘94 college World Series and then to watch their careers unfold. I was probably one of the only O’s fans who was excited when we signed Jay Payton.
  18. 5.27 career BB/9 scares the crap out of me. I just can’t get too excited. Povich, who people say has control issues, is 3.84 Hall is 5.2 He’s a wild card. No pun intended.
  19. I think people forget how good this guy was.
  20. https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/f/finlest01.shtml 134 career A 12 with Os.
  21. Whose spot does he take? Strange transaction.
  22. Was thinking Larry Walker also. Just looked him up 30 A in 1991. The year Slak had 22….
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