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Everything posted by emmett16

  1. I’d offer him a minor league deal. I’d be surprised if he gets a major league deal.
  2. The Koi Pond?!? That just plain cruel.
  3. @Tony-OH how do you think Grayson does next year? Do you think the second half was more of a good stretch with some luck? Or do you think it’s a preview of what’s to come next year? Do you think he took most of his growing pain lumps last year -or- that there are still some lumps/hurdles to overcome before truly breaking out?
  4. Good recap of international progress. https://www.masnsports.com/blog/o-s-international-program-keeps-taking-steps-forward-and-a-new-class-is-coming
  5. Just thought it was interesting that there was the whole kerfuffle about him on here for a while and we weren't even listed as one of 7 teams " to have some level of interest in the right-hander"
  6. I was thinking geography plays a part.. HK is from TX and they are working out in OK. HK and Rhodes are just about the same age. Imagine they played against each other all through HS and then again in the SEC. Probably became quick friends when they got into the system.
  7. In all seriousness he seems like a very intentional guy that focuses on the details and gets the most out of himself. You can tell he's an extremely intelligent guy by how he speaks and presents himself. I'd be stoked to get him. I imagine he'd be all in on the pitch lab/pitching dev. we can offer.
  8. This was the same exact thought that entered my mind when I saw the MLBTraderumors article. The second was, why weren't we listed as one of the seven teams?
  9. So quick and I'm sure he swings a 34 or 34.5 and it looked like a toothpick. He's a very well put together young man.
  10. Hahaha. Super serious and clean looking dude. Personality of a saltine. I guess there are the serious mustache dudes and the ironic mustache dudes. Hes definitely the former. Maybe he’d enjoy taking a class at MICA.
  11. Where did you hear the nugget about the complex opening before next season?
  12. I don't like it at all and never watch games. I've always just marveled at how they promote their players, have grown the league worldwide, appealed to the younger generations, and are always on the cutting edge of branding & marketing their product. The new mid-season tournament they are doing this year is pure genius.
  13. That's kind of what I'm thinking as well. It would really hurt, so that means it's likely realistic. I'd reluctantly do it.
  14. I'd do that in a heartbeat. I'd think they'd want someone with a bit more upside. He does have a lot of service time left. I think he'd be more interesting to a team that is also trying to compete like Seatle or Miami.
  15. If only they could be as forward thinking as the NBA.
  16. That had been my line of thought as well and figured that guy would be Hall. I'm not sure if the FO would part with Hall AND another impact prospect type. Not sure if Povich would be enticing for them. I agree with SG that they should get the best package possible, but there's also the fact that they have to cover his 177 innings. I'm be a little surprised if a P doesn't go back in a Cease trade.
  17. I agree that he has a unique skill set where, yes, it would be beneficial for him to get those last couple years of growth/gains while playing in the MLB. A lot of players would struggle. Someone who didn't have his bat to ball skills and didn't have those extra 5mph of EV would constantly be flying out to the warning track. Holliday seems to be able to hit the ball wherever he wants and doesn't sell out for pull power like a good majority of players are doing now.
  18. I'm not saying he can't. Just pointing out that there will be massive gains for him over the next two years. I've been an advocate for him to be the OD starting 2b.
  19. Their set-up is next level absurd. Those kids have trained to be pros since the day they could walk, it appears. HK absolutely destroys the baseball. You can also see that one of those swings is not like the others...HK and JH are next level.
  20. I think the one thing that he needs to do is work on his power/bat speed/exit velocity. I was a little surprised by the numbers he was measured at in the Holliday Homerun Video that was posted. They were a little lower than I would have thought using a metal bat. His numbers are elite for his age, but he is likely to see a major increase over the next two years as he ages from 20-22 as outlined in the chart in this article.
  21. Pith away, my friend. I dig it. I agree with the sentiment, but I think he has the mental fortitude and the physical tools to continue on that trajectory. I don't think luck played into it. However, there are a lot of variables which is why I said his success is going to depend on his health. Ther are so many things that could derail his success even with the talent, tools, and make-up.
  22. Great post! That is exactly what he did when he came back from AAA. He got cutter happy in the first half and it was crushed. He was often behind and when he threw the FB, and it got hit hard (although he still got 24% WHIFF so it wasn't like it was useless). His CH & SL are incredible pitches, and he throws them at almost the same speed, from the same release point, and they dart in two different directions. His curve is pretty darn good as well, but he doesn't use it much. I think he has trouble commanding the 55.8" of vertical drop and misses low more often than not. He has problems controlling the curve, but it's an awesome change of pace/show me pitch to keep batters honest. I think that's likely a pitch that he could use more as a weapon. The speed differential from the FB(97) and CU/SL(83) is pretty wide and can help it play if he's tunneling his pitches which he did very well in the second half. The cutter might help him a bit because it sits right in between the fastball and CU/SL @ 89mph ~7mph slower than the FB and ~7mph faster than the CU/SL. He just needs to be judicious when using it.
  23. I don't think he was trolling. He was trying to make a valid point. And I have to admit, I quite enjoyed the trip down memory road and looking at how an old Oriole's career turned out.
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