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Posts posted by waroriole

  1. 1 minute ago, spiritof66 said:

    I guess he figured Armstrong was well rested.

    I like Hyde, but I've been saying since around mid-2019 that he doesn't seem to be a good in-game strategist, but it's hard to tell because, I assume, he has objectives in addition to trying to win games. 

    What objective tells him to pitch Armstrong in that situation? I get that he doesn’t think we will win the game but you have to pitch your best available RP there. 

  2. Is this the place I come to complain about Hyde? As soon as an exciting young manager becomes available, he should be gone. There’s nothing impressive about him. He’s just a poor decision maker and not inspiring. 

    He’s fine if we’re just taking a beating, but we should be seeking a replacement for the new cavalry 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Some third place finish votes for Cy Young?

    Right now there are 25 guys with a 0.00 ERA. You really think 22 aren’t gonna be able to maintain this pace? 

  4. 41 minutes ago, DrungoHazewood said:

    You all are joking, but we're literally three games from @wildcard making a thread saying that the Orioles are legit contenders based on going 3-2 in their first five games without any of their best prospects being called up yet.

    Yeah but did you stop and think about what if Means pitches to a 0.00 ERA this season?

  5. 4 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    Yea, I want to see Sisco play 4-5 times a week.  I don’t know if his bat will ever come around but this is the time to find it out.  Playing Severino does nothing for you both short and long term.

    That’s what I’ve been saying the last two years. If we know Adley is the future why are t we seeing what we have now in Sisco. If he starts hitting with regular playing time, you can trade him when Adley is ready. Severino needs to be traded

  6. Haven’t posted in a long time, but just wanted to say I’m so glad he was on our team. One of my favorite players to watch. Nick and Adam made baseball fun again for the O’s. Nick was always such a pleasure to watch every day. He just played the game the right way. 

  7. 27 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    Who did they have that could pinch run?  The third string catcher?  A pitcher?

    Not sure. I picked it up in the 9th when I posted this. I’m blacked out for this series. 

    A pitcher would likely be better than Davis. 

    Maybe this is a failure of Elias too. Even if we’re not a contending team, it’s wide open this year and he owes it to the team to shoot for the playoffs. I think Duquette takes advantage of the taxi squad. 

  8. 1 hour ago, wildcard said:

    I think Mountcastle's service time issues are behind him.  The first 7 games, Sure.  But I don't see them keeping him down all of the 202 season.

    In fact, I could see him called up for the doubleheader this week.  I asked the question "How long can Stewart keep Mountcastle down."   I think the answer is  "Its time."    Stewart can be optioned.

    I’ve seen enough Stewart. 

  9. It’s kind weird that baseball is fun again. The fact that these guys aren’t hitting now just means they’ll be there to pick up Ruiz and Alberto if they fall off a little. 

    Hopefully Mountcastle replaces Stewart’s ABs soon. I’ve seen enough. 

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