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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. It's cheating to judge a trade in the moment by hedging on hindsight, but unless they win the WS, this seems like an awful trade for Seattle.
  2. All the good ones have been taken, so I'll just add that I saw Juan Castro hit a pinch hit solo shot in Old Yankees Stadium in a 13-3 Orioles loss. Then an adult Yankees fan poured a beer on me, an 18-year old (it tasted great!)
  3. At 8:48 p.m. on Thursday July 28, 2022, Remember the Alomar was diagnosed with an acute case of Orioles Magic Fever.
  4. Not saying he's the better prospect, but I have more anticipation about him eventually coming up than Adley.
  5. Elias is the founder of Barstool Sports?! (if this makes one person laugh, I've done my job).
  6. Good call. That's definitely the best in recent memory. Adley already has 22 walks in his first 200 ML PAs, though. Nick had 43 in 542 PAs his rookie year—and in a much higher run-scoring environment. I was 6/7/8 during Raffy's peak with the Orioles, so I can't say I have an intelligent opinion here, but this is an exciting comp. Either way, unless there is some massive regression, I think Adley could have multiple 100 walk years.
  7. When was the last time we had a Yung Walk God like Adley?
  8. Damn. Sucks for the young man. Hopefully it's not something that will hurt him long term. Obviously he's a position player, but anytime you hear the phrase "shoulder injury," you can't help but worry.
  9. They are completely different players in so many ways, so it's not a fair comparison, but I don't think Wieters had the bat speed that Adley has. Ever.
  10. I'm forgetting your exact words from a couple weeks ago, but you said something along the lines of "Bautista is the reason you don't give up on hard throwers." Was thinking about that the last inning. Just a filth freak.
  11. As an Orioles fan, you're contractually obligated to put your winnings toward their bonus pool.
  12. In his defense, he was about four drinks in by the time Sir Sarfarte was called from the bullpen.
  13. Maybe this is overly simplistic, but I think tanking is almost a game of percentages. In a long-term tank, you have more draft capital and more time to see where holes need to be filled via FA, upping the long-term chance you fielding a winning team. In a short-term tank, you have less of the previous two variables—and, thus, a smaller chance of successfully rebuilding—but with a combination of luck and smart decision-making, you're not miring fans in misery for half a decade. Selfishly, if an FO thinks they're on the cutting edge, I'd prefer them to bet on themselves and pursue the latter. But if you're Elias and want long-term job stability—and play the percentages of fielding a winning time eventually—you probably try to sell ownership on the former (and the benefit of cutting costs for 4+ years makes the sell even easier).
  14. I did not think it was possible that the Orioles' ownership may only be the second-worst group of MLB owners in the Mid-Atlantic.
  15. This has been litigated millions of times, but that combination of moves (plus others) effectively added half a decade to any hope of the Orioles fielding a competitive team. And has potentially resulted in a long-term reluctance for the franchise to ever seriously commit to spending again (I guess more of a wait and see there, though.) Just such mind-bogglingly bad decision making--at the time and, especially, with hindsight.
  16. Totally. Not complaining. But also not going to pretend I knew anything about these kids (after Jackson) before reading their scouting reports as they were drafted. I'll take athletes over Hogoods and DJ Stewarts, for sure.
  17. Starting to notice a lot of similar adjectives tossed around when it comes to Elias-era position player picks.
  18. When the GM job opens up, I'll write you a letter of recommendation. Also, I hope the white party was a grand ol' time.
  19. This pick, as well of the previous one, are reminiscent of a Ravens draft in a lot of ways.
  20. I know we shouldn't talk politics on this board, but please don't speak about the 22nd president like that. Thanks.
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