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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. Sounds like it's a lock that he'll be up shortly. Exciting!
  2. The rare Dark Rage Frobby post always brings me joy.
  3. My friends and I joked when the Horseshoe Casino went in by the trash-burning plan that Baltimore had finally become Biff's version of Hill Valley in "Back to the Future." Excited we're taking it one step further!
  4. He seems like he could be a solid #4 on a playoff team if he keeps any semblance of this up.
  5. It's funny to see that see that ESPN's playoff odds for the Sox are three times higher than the Birds too.
  6. Let's just say he's a 3.5 outfielder and call it a day.
  7. Dunno about y'all, but I have officially left the "Wow! How nice that the Orioles are doing well" phase and have entered the "I will be bummed if they miss the playoffs" phase.
  8. To paraphrase Lil Wayne, I have that reverse jinx on lock like San Quentin.
  9. I feel like Adley will have a lot of nights like this: base hit, home run, and a walk.
  10. Ó Cionnaith had a solid slide to stop the Jays from turning that double play.
  11. Ah I remember the piece about everyone being eligible but I misremembered the Os simply reported that rather than it being because they went back north. Thanks for the clarification!
  12. I know Akin and Santander couldn't enter Canada in June, but I'm pretty sure they became eligible when the Orioles last went in July.
  13. That's fair. I more so just meant that if I had to be strapped into the Clockwork Orange chair and listen to Mike Bordick against my will for days on end, I'd rather it be about a race for a playoff spot than Chris Davis hitting .194.
  14. I also think having a good, interesting product generally begets better insight from commentators. When the team is garbage, they basically just have to put lipstick on a pig.
  15. I know this isn't in the spirit of the question, but we wouldn't be where we are—be it in the farm system or the ML team—with Duquette and Buck.
  16. I have no experience in law, but from reading the posts of those who do, I wonder how much of this is simply an F...I'll leave you, dear reader, to complete the rhyme.
  17. Imagine this during an Orioles-Yankees ALCS game.
  18. Who knows what will happen, but this was the most fun I've had watching an Orioles game in half a decade.
  19. I don't care where a ballplayer is from or what they look like, but two power plays from the Dominican going head on head is sick.
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