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Remember The Alomar

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Everything posted by Remember The Alomar

  1. I definitely agree that "Odor" and "bench" would go hand in hand. (I jest--seems like a good guy.)
  2. I saw this in absolute seriousness but...veteranosity!
  3. Damn I'm a big fan of your dad's paper towel brand.
  4. Have the Orioles ever graduated two number one prospects in consecutive years?
  5. No matter what you think of the new left field, it's pretty sick when you see someone smack a no doubter there now.
  6. Also, just turned on the game to see an HR, a deep fly ball, and another near home run. Sorry!
  7. I'd wear anything if it meant I just hit an MLB home run.
  8. This is an excellent post, Filmstudy. I really appreciate you merging history with modern stats. It really helped me put everything into perspective.
  9. I sadly have to hang out with people in real life tonight, so keep the good mojo going here for me.
  10. This is awesome—thanks for writing it up. The cop story is hilarious. I guess I never thought about it before, but I realized I've underrated how much the trauma of '88 framed the joy of '89. Obviously I knew about 0-21, etc., but I never considered how truly miserable that must have been to witness.
  11. This is very cool and exactly what I was hoping people would weigh in with. Thanks, all!
  12. I was a few months away from being born so, sadly, I missed the '89 season. But, for those who have vivid memories of it: How does the 2022 season compare to it thus far? When did you start to believe that team was special? I don't want to get ahead of myself, as this current team could still collapse. But, for some reason, tonight's win really gave me a jolt of excitement and appreciation for this squad. Curious if/when that hit for the people who experienced '89.
  13. Seems like the closest thing you could have to a field general on a baseball diamond.
  14. We're going to make the playoffs, we're going to win the ALDS, we're going to win the ALCS, and, hell, might as well put the champagne on ice after that. Yes, I've had some ales, why do you ask?
  15. This is pure magical thinking, but as soon as the camera zoomed in on Adley giving Bautista a little nod, I knew a K was coming.
  16. Very exited for the "Lopez Was Better" thread if he blows this.
  17. You're right, Jagwar. I'd like to take this moment to apologize to you and all of Birdland for my gross negligence. I hope I can find a way to regain your trust.
  18. I pray to the Baseball Gods that I did not cancel social plans with actual human beings to watch the Orioles blow a lead with a bunch of internet guys. Amen.
  19. I've consulted some Top Men and they have informed me it's actually...bad.
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