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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. OK, who has milbtv. wait. Can you see 2nd base on the Aberdeen cameras?
  2. Until evidence is presented otherwise...........I am going to continue to assume we are going to operate on a similar path as Houston did when they were tanking. Looks like they changed managers a couple times when they flipped the switch to try and compete. Poor Hyde. I hope he does get a chance at least.
  3. I'm hoping to go to a game this weekend. I'll see what I can figure out, heh.
  4. Seems like Bradish is now as stretched out as any of our other starters currently in the major leagues. Probably more stretched out than most of them. I see they let Lyles get to 91 pitches in one outing. Zimmermann has never gone more than 76.
  5. This was posted less than 2 weeks ago. Now everyone is convinced the sky is falling? Maybe let's take a breath and re evaluate when he gets closer to 150 PA.
  6. 0% chance this is happening. I think most likely course of action is he is in Norfolk games next week (I think i saw a quote somewhere where Elias said he was hoping he would return to game action in April) and then Baltimore by late May. Obviously June wouldn't shock me either though.
  7. Melewski is on the West Coast right now. Roch says he will join the team in New York for whatever that is worth.
  8. We are first in the AL in strikeouts too. I'm curious, does someone have a way to see if those are mostly swinging vs looking? I'd be curious to know what that fraction is. And if we compare it to previous seasons, that might really tell us if this is a systemic change from the big focus on 'swing decisions.'
  9. I believe it is 100% accurate that the announcers are hoping that happens.
  10. Well we all wanted to see improvement in the OBP department right? How does 8th in the AL sound? eh? eh? Not too shabby! Minor detail that we are dead last in runs scored tho.................
  11. FWIW, Dan Connolly of the Athletic just did a Q & A on their site, and said he expects Adley to be in games by next week. I hope you are right but Elias is nothing if not conservative with these injury timetables.
  12. Well we already are 3 years into the 4-5 year plan now sir. Aren't you excited? That is means we are at LEAST 60% of the way done the rebuild and possibly as high as 75%!!!! woooooooooooooooooooooo
  13. Agreed it is a PR piece. But i think the state legislature passing the funding bill is still big news. If nothing else that would suggest to me they really plan to keep the team here for a long time. I'm sure some folks pushing the Nashville rumors will keep finding angles to push it...........but meh. Also I felt the 4-5 year timeline he mentioned was interesting. That is something Elias never said (and would never say) in public.
  14. Is this being discussed somewhere that I missed? I'm a little surprised that I haven't been able to find it since yesterday. Seems like pretty big news. He talks about a timeline for the rebuild and about investing over $1B in the "Camden Yards Sports Complex." https://www.mlb.com/news/orioles-chairman-ceo-john-angelos-statement Sorry if this is a double post.
  15. In all seriousness he is someone I look forward to seeing what he can do with (hopefully) a full season's worth of stats. There are some positive signs that he could hit ok in the minors as well. He could def surprise a lot of people.
  16. Ah, and he hit his 3rd bomb today. Guessing that is what led to the post. Now a 13 PA sample!!!!!!!
  17. Going into today it looks like had 2 bombs and was hitting .500/.545/1.200 possibly the best 11 PA sample size in history!!?!?!?
  18. Nationals just claimed Hunter Harvey. Let the hand wringing commence.
  19. Well now my desire for buying Home Opener tickets has gone down to the basement.
  20. Best positive spin I can make of this is that well MASN did defraud the Nats out of millions and millions of dollars right? So they might be extra cheap while they are awaiting a final resolution on that decades long lawsuit...................?
  21. Yes. Those are my expectations. You can say "yeah, no" but I actually consider myself to be one of the world's foremost experts on what my own expectations are. No he never promised 2023 as the year it all comes together. He is far too clever/careful as a public speaker. But using my powers of reason and deduction and looking at where all our top prospects currently are........that is what I figure makes the most sense. I have been consistent on this since the lost COVID year. He HAS made vague comments starting last year that the competitive window might not be too far away....i think i started a whole thread about it in '21. And I don't think he ever spoke like that in 18-20. Again, hold me to it. And yes he has been consistent when communicating with the fanbase about what his plan is for building a talent pipeline and investing in the minors / international market etc and getting that infrastructure in place before spending a lot of money on the MLB product. He has never wavered from that. And he says they will spend when the time is right. One of the cool things about not lying to your fanbase during the down years is it builds up trust with the other things that you say about the future. Criticize away if you want to. But I look forward to the NEXT few years when the biggest arguments will be "Wow, we have a good team and it's fun to be in the playoff hunt but did Elias HAVE to do it this way?" (I'll give you a spoiler - my answer will be the same as what I said to Rob earlier. "Need" and "have to" have nothing to do with it).
  22. I don't believe he feels he 'needs' to do anything. I believe he thinks this is the most effective way to create a competitive (and sustainably competitive) MLB team in Baltimore. You use the word "need" a lot and I think it is misleading. He is freely choosing to rebuild in this way because he has seen it work before. I trust his judgement more than I do frustrated fans on message boards (no offense intended).
  23. Yep still ok with the plan that Elias put into place and has been clear and straight forward with the fanbase about since Day 1. I will say that one year from now I expect him to start putting the pedal to the metal. Feel free to hold me to that. Just as I continue to question why you get so frustrated when Elias is doing exactly what he said he would do.
  24. His $17M salary for 2022 was spread out over 3 years when he retired. (22-24) So I assume his number is around 6M for this year. Looks like Mancini might get paid more than that for '22.
  25. Isn't Chris Davis going to be like our 2nd highest paid player this year?
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