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Everything posted by Aglets

  1. www.tankathon.com/mlb Our lead is only 2.5 games right now. We definitely can't afford to be complacent with over 30 games to go still. Hopefully they still keep their eyes on the prize. Our divisional schedule will definitely help. Still have series left with KC, PHI, and TEX though.
  2. Interplanetary power.
  3. Where is Santander in 2022? 2023? I honestly don't have an answer ready. But i have a hard time believing we will pay him arbitration salaries after next year.
  4. There was little serious talk of Vaughn over Adley at 1:1 that year. 85% of the debate was Adley over Witt Jr. as I recall. Witt is still in the minors and I'm sure on an arrival schedule that will very closely mirror Adley's next year. It's almost like teams take multiple factors into account when looking at prospect promotion schedules and contending teams may have different priorities than rebuilding ones. I think most of us acknowledge that Adley would be mostly able to hold his own at the MLB level right now. Maybe you and others would have him up already. The O's have reasons to keep him down and we all know what they are. You can accept them, or not. You can whine about them, or not. Personally I think both the White Sox and the Orioles are acting in the best interests of their team and I have exactly zero problem with them. And personally I do not think it's worthwhile to chastise or criticize Elias and company for acting in defense of those interests.
  5. Fun facts: The #1 offensive team in all MLB (Houston) ranks first in OBP and last in strikeouts. So some evidence that strikeouts are bad for run production. The #2 offensive team in all MLB (Tampa) ranks only 13th in OBP but has the 2nd most K's in baseball. So some evidence that strikeouts aren't that bad. Tampa actually has more walks than Houston. Happy to help clarify this by muddying the waters, heh. To be honest I'm not sure there actually is a lot of correlation between K's and run production.....although obviously there is a threshold somewhere.
  6. Wow this thread went dark for a bit. So after the last post on here Mundy had an .805 OPS for the rest of his time in Aberdeen. Then he got promoted to Bowie about a week ago, although he has yet to appear in a game there. Roch just informed us today that Mundy has a fractured thumb and is going on the IL.
  7. Roch has an update on Mundy this morning. Just placed on injured list. Not sure why it took a week but there you have it. https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2021/08/more-on-the-losing-streak-and-bundy-trade.html
  8. For some added context since these numbers have definitely evolved over the last decade or so. The top OBP in the AL right now is Houston at .339. The median is Oakland at .316. O's currently are 13th at .299.
  9. Clearly the timing on this is so that he will be super motivated for revenge against the Angels tomorrow who traded him for some bum SP who is currently too hurt to even throw!
  10. He is going to Norfolk. Do you mean what 40 man move? If he needs a spot then I guess the DFA of Franco makes room.
  11. Ken talks about this in the article. He says Elias was basically starting from scratch and that the O's were waaay behind other teams when he came in in 2018.
  12. Oh wow, yeah he has pretty pronounced splits. So far this year his OPS is .930 against RHP but only a paltry .585 against lefties. (99 PA) So I guess he is a future piece in the sense that he could be a platoon guy.
  13. Seems like this guy is showing signs he can hit both AA and AAA pitching. Is he a future piece of the puzzle?
  14. Interesting to see all the history from 1988 which i was too young to 'enjoy.'
  15. Aglets

    Kyle Bradish 2021

    Well he wasn't throwing to Adley. There's your problem!
  16. This is well said. I think Elias will increase the spending this offseason. But that doesnt mean 9 figure deals.
  17. Full quote for context: ”My objective and kind of North Star through this whole thing is maximizing playoff odds for the Orioles over like a longtime horizon,” Elias said. “We have based our decisions on that, based our prioritization of investments with those goals in mind, and when the time comes that those are the best uses of our resources and efforts, and possibly as soon as this off-season, we will ratchet up those investments with those strategic goals in mind.” Citation: https://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2021/08/elias-we-are-very-much-on-track-with-what-were-trying-to-do.html I am surprised that this quote hasn’t seen much play on here. Or if it has I have missed it and I apologize. I think this is worth discussing on here. How much of this is just GM bs-talk trying to appease an upset fan base......or do you think he is being somewhat serious? To my knowledge Elias has never really talked much like this until recently. He has talked before this year about the time coming soon, and that he’s hopeful it won’t be too much longer etc. I don’t recall any talk like this in 2019 or 2020. Note: I do not take this to mean that we will be competing for “top tier” FA this coming off-season. I think one possible interpretation of it though is that he might actually be open now to signing a FA to.........wait for it......... (insert gasp here)............. a MULTI YEAR deal! I guess Iglesias was 1 year with an option right? Anyway. I mean multiple guaranteed years. Someone that could actually be a 2023 contributor and beyond. Or maybe its just all empty words to try and placate the fans. I admit I am not sure. But I think Elias has been very straightforward with us for the most part about his plan for how to make the O’s a contender, and this is the first time I’ve seen him use language like this about the timetable being relatively close so I’m curious what everyone else thinks.
  18. Another HR today! Oh and a SB and the game is only about halfway over. This is getting fun.
  19. Pretty interesting 2nd post ever on these boards. Welcome.....I guess? Any other 12 year old threads you think we should look at?
  20. I can think of one prospect in Norfolk hitting pretty well. The cavalry will be coming eventually.
  21. Roch is reporting that the White Sox waived Burdi to make room for former Orioles Hangout HOFer Mike Wright. Something somehow feels a little upside down about that. Baseball can be a funny game.
  22. OK guys I am now open to the possibility that it might be worth drafting a transformational talent at 1:1 who is as highly touted as Bryce Harper. Even if it costs Diaz some AB in the future. Thanks. ?
  23. It seems to me the benefits of achieving the 1st overall pick next year outweigh any potential "feel-good" benefits of finishing with an improved performance from a wins standpoint. I'll be kinda upset actually if we miss out by just a couple of games and we win the last 6 in a row or whatever. I mean, my solution to the despair of watching them losing every night is to just stop watching the games and focus on the minor leagues. But I recognize not everyone wants to do that.
  24. Another Outfielder?!?! Great, just what this team needs. How will we make room for him over Mullins, Kjerstad, Cowser, and Diaz??!?!
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