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  1. Aglets

    Coby Mayo 2022

    Interesting little twist: Mayo at home in 2022 (130 PA): .256/.331/.521 (7 HR) Mayo on the road (101 PA): .218/.307/.391 (4 HR) So he actually has done better in infamous Aberdeen.
  2. Ugh. No way could the O's ever find success playing a big guy at SS. It's never been done.
  3. The difference is Elias wants to draft hitters and sign pitchers. So this will help (i'm not saying it will be a top criteria for them) to some degree. It will slightly hurt hitter stat lines and slightly benefit pitcher stat lines.
  4. Apparently left the game last night with an injury. Hate to see the best of the best keep missing games as they get older.
  5. I personally think he can do better than that. Now that I answered your question.......curious for your answer to mine. What do you think the best case scenario for us is?
  6. So what is the best case scenario for us in terms of what to do with Trey between now and August 2nd? Is it more likely that we will move him for significant prospects by the deadline? Or more likely his mutual option gets exercised for 2023?
  7. I think 5 or 6 orioles have made their MLB debuts this year. Many more did last year. Why is Adley's debut any different in terms of "starting the clock?" To be clear, I understand why you WANT it to be different and you WANT them to try and win now. No one likes to lose. But Elias has not said anything to the effect of "Now is the time to for this team to compete for the playoffs" so it seems like you are just inventing this idea in your head that our front office cares about wins and losses now more than last year. When you say "these guys NEED to start winning....." ...........the question is........or what? We will finish in last place again? That's what we do lately. Elias clearly isn't being held accountable for wins and losses at this point or it seems unlikely that he would still be here. Not to mention Hyde. To be clear, I plan on being more of a ray of sunshine and optimism starting in 2023.........I do think there is some slight evidence that Elias wants us to be more competitive starting next year. I look forward to the day when we are relevant. But every piece of evidence we have about how Elias is managing THIS 2022 team is that it's all about the future........and the current product is much more of an aside.
  8. Every single argument you are attempting to make on this thread is coming from this flawed premise. You have seen the O's tank for 2019, 2020, 2021, and now 2022. What have you seen in nearly 4 years that makes you think Elias will start making moves RIGHT NOW because he cares about the 2022 W/L record? What is different about June 7th vs April 7th?
  9. Absolutely not and I question any argument that starts with the premise that Elias is really concerned over the batting average of a particular prospect. I suspect that isn't even in the top 10 of metrics that he is concerned about. Elias's main goal isn't winning games this year. You know this, we know this, he has directly said this. This season is about developing and evaluating prospects primarily, and Elias will promote them when his internal metrics show that they are ready. I do think Stowers could be promoted soon, but it would not be at the expense of Mullins. Seems to me that it would be McKenna that is more likely to be impacted.
  10. Given Elias's track record of not using prime picks on pitchers with risk profiles...........I chalk this one up to "no way do we get him." Speculation is fun though.
  11. Dont get me started on the Billy Rowell draft too.......
  12. No. He is NOT not getting promoted today. Congrats. I give you all the credit!
  13. Has there been any talk of the Orioles trying to have the Hilton removed too?
  14. So far the Orioles have hit 47 HR in 52 games. (0.904 HR / game) On the road it is 25 HR in 27 games. (.926 HR / game) At OPACY it is 22 HR in 25 games. (0.880 HR / game) Interestingly enough we hit over 1 HR / game at home in 2019, 2020, and 2021. So it appears that the move has had the desired effect stated by Elias and co. The new wall has depressed HRs at Camden Yards relative to how often HR were hit at that ballpark historically BUT it is now shaping up to be more on par with all other major league stadiums. The question then I suppose do you think it is good for the franchise long term to keep Camden Yards as it was........where HR were being hit here at a much higher rate.........or not. I see the argument for the change and I think I mostly agree. The main takeaway should be that HRs are NOT super depressed here compared to all other stadiums. It is just depressed compared to how it was before 2022.....when we were significantly above league average.
  15. I think the important thing is that we speculate, panic, and assume that the end is nigh........all before we have the final test results in. Here is hoping it was more of a spasm related to dehydration and it is more easily fixed.
  16. It's official. Prieto is joining Bowie.
  17. So his salary for 22 and 23 totals 6M? That seems great for us if true. Of course we have no idea what we will get next year.
  18. Have there really been no promotions in May so far?
  19. All of that draft capital being spent on hitters paying off? Hopefully some of these guys get called up to Bowie soon. Cowser, Norby, Rhodes, Williams, Mayo..........all of them should get promoted at some point this year right? Some maybe sooner than others.
  20. Surely they would announce it in a few hours if the plan is to call him up tomorrow. Gotta create some buzz to sell tickets.........even if it is only 24 hours out. But who knows.
  21. Totally fair. I don't think we can say for sure how it will end up in the future based on a ~1 month or so sample size........but that is entirely reasonable to not want to go from one extreme to the other. I am personally reserving my opinion on the aesthetics for when I see it in person for the first time........hopefully very soon!
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