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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I don't see him having the command.
  2. To a large extent the dates are arranged to gain an additional year of service time.
  3. I don't get mad over this stuff. That was for effect. But it is ridiculous to even suggest gaming the service times of prospects of their caliber. It just isn't something that happens. Wildcard has managed to get himself enthused with the idea of additional service time, even when it's pointless or even potentially detrimental. As for me owning up when I'm wrong, sure I do. When I'm wrong.
  4. The Captain of the USA Gold Medal winning men's Curling team of course.
  5. Same, just throwing it out there. I would think someone simply misguided could be swayed by facts, of which many supporting an opposing view to him existed.
  6. I've seen folks argue that the O's would have received a better return in trade. I don't see it given how the market turned out that year.
  7. Possibly. I'm not sure it was misguided as much as prejudiced.
  8. I'm not certain it wasn't just a matter of him not wanting to spend on unproven commodities. Same with not wanting to pay 16 year olds in the Dominican.
  9. I've heard from multiple sources that he instructed his people to go cheap on the draft in various years. I don't think cheap applies to the ML payroll, but in other areas of the team...
  10. True. And as a top prospect and a Boras client I was OK with it.
  11. And Markakis and Schoop? Did anyone think Schoop would be the difference maker in the playoff hunt?
  12. Wasn't for Schoop. Gausman was up and down so much who knows? They certainly rushed him.
  13. You could check and see if that was actually the case.
  14. If only they could have guys that worked with the team that weren't players, they could coach the players. But what to call them?
  15. I still think part of Hall's command issue was the hitters reticence to swing at his offerings.
  16. I don't recall anyone thinking Swanson was a sure thing. A guy that makes the majors sure, I mean a star.
  17. Aiken's issue was physical. No way to predict that. If Appel writes a book I'll read it.
  18. At least Mountcastle is a top 100 prospect. You are talking about guys that aren't in the top 250
  19. I think there is a real difference between not rushing Hall and Rodriguez and what we have seen so far from Elias. He doesn't seem to see the value in challenging top prospects. I know, I know it's early. Just going off of what we have seen so far.
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