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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. The obvious issue is the flawed arbitration system. Funny just last week folks were telling me that limiting saves wouldn't result in a savings in arbitration.
  2. I do? I don't really expect any national guy to be able to spend enough time on the vast majority of prospects to be able to give a truly comprehensive opinion on their ability to stick at the major league level. Now in some cases it's obvious, Mountcastle wasn't going to stay at Short, Adley was going to stick at Catcher, but beyond that. Not really. I read the stuff, I enjoy it, but I don't put a huge amount of weight to it. I think a lot of guys Gunnar's size don't stay at Shortstop. These guys don't see him every day, they don't experience his work ethic. We had a lot of guys on the board here last season that wanted him at Third.
  3. I think that one is normally called a double.
  4. But it shouldn't make a difference. You are arguing that the Ump should have made the wrong call. Once again assuming Gamecast is correct and it caught the edge.
  5. So we should should expect the Ump to make a mistake that favors our team? If it caught the edge, it should be a strike. It certainly doesn't look like an egregious call.
  6. Oh so you don't just want to Gotcha! them. That's cool. I think it's really hard thing for them to do and don't expect them to hit on every player.
  7. Gameday thought it caught the edge.
  8. Why? Also he will almost assuredly have to move off of short before his bat loses enough value for him to have to retire.
  9. This ain't little league, everybody doesn't have to play.
  10. No. I don't think they view Stowers as a long term piece.
  11. First off , no one here is flipping out. Secondly it's fine for the FO to say something that a member of ownership should keep in their pocket.
  12. I'm sure there will be a large number of factors in play, some more prominently than others. We of course don't even know if the Orioles are interested in retaining his services.
  13. How flashy the other fielders are isn't relevant since he's not competing against them for the award. Unless of course you think they would not give him a GG since that would make too many Orioles getting one? He's going to be competing against other first basemen, none of whom are flashy.
  14. I'm curious how many "flashy" first baseman he has to worry about?
  15. I think most people would be the same way. If a competing business would offer me a 20% raise to jump ship I'd have my two weeks in tomorrow.
  16. Assuming Gunnar likes batting leadoff, which I think he does, I'm happy to keep him there. Your best hitters should get the most at bats.
  17. Sometimes the really great ones make the hard play look routine.
  18. Hasn't managed to screw up yet.
  19. That's what I'd do if I were dating someone with a billion. Once we are married. Pfft, what are you going to do divorce me for not going to ball games? I'll take my half interest in your team.
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