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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. His first year with the Yanks.
  2. You need to do more than that. You need to deaden the ball or offense will jump and pitchers will end up with more wear.
  3. While I wish they were doing this differently I am very glad that the new owner isn't jumping in and making demands on how Elias is running the club. That seems like a bad idea in the long term.
  4. OK Guy. You said your "wife" had no social media presence. You posted a picture of your "wife" that a simple reverse image search showed had been posted on the internet for close to a decade. Now if you tell me you posted that picture to the weightlifting forum in 2017 asking if she's a gold digger, I'll believe that picture was of your wife. By posting that the person in the picture wasn't your wife, I wasn't insulting her, I was hopeful she'd not made that mistake. The idea that I "back up O's brass" is honestly laughable. Guys and girls, how negative am I? Does anyone else here think I got Elias' back? In particular am I in favor of how Elias promotes prospects? Here I thought I was the one guy claiming Elias was gaming Mountcastle's service time? The one guy that was happy Adley snagged a year of service time. The one guy that wanted Gunnar called up in 2021.
  5. I've been called many things in my life but never an Elias apologist. Wow. We also don't have basements in Florida.
  6. We've got years of team control left for them to dominate at Norfolk.
  7. No. It was overslot, that's fifth round money, pick 141-142.
  8. He might have been drafted out of HS and not offered enough money to tempt him. You can go to JuCo and go right back into the draft the next year. Also found this.
  9. Who cares? The goal isn't to win more regular season games. Ask the 2001 Seattle Mariners.
  10. Some might say it was a poor decision to post this to Orioles Talk and not the appropriate forum. https://forum.orioleshangout.com/forum/6-oh-information-feedback-and-help/
  11. It was spin. Offer them money first and a chance to win second. Wall is like 10th, behind stuff like school quality.
  12. Do we have any evidence they are making multi-year offers to players?
  13. Not a bunch of other options in house.
  14. One of the two hits was from a guy asking if his wife was a gold digger. Maybe that has something to do with it?
  15. You said your wife had no social media presence and yet the picture you provided had multiple hits from a reverse image search dating back almost a decade, including one from a weightlifting forum... That's plenty of reason to question.
  16. I said that, but that isn't what you said I said. Not sure what your issue is. If I had said "Don't worry that's not his wife." You'd have a point. I didn't.
  17. He really is the 2024 version of Frazier, just without the clutch.
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