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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. And once every few years one of these guys (total not per team) makes it to the majors and we all say what a great story it is.
  2. On one hand I agree with you but on the other well, it will be pleasant to have this in my back pocket the next time a Yankee fan wants to get preachy with me about how their team does things the right way.
  3. So he's going to give the Orioles what they would prefer? I think it is very unlikely that a guy wants to give up a 1/26 guarantee going into his age 36 season. I think getting guaranteed money into his age 37 and 38 seasons is much more likely a request. Has a 1B ever averaged ended up with a big money multi-year deal at 36? Cruz got a 4 year deal at 34 but for no where near 26/yr.
  4. Just like every other time this topic has come up. He very probably has a no trade clause. What are you willing to give him to get him to waive it? Another season? Two more?
  5. We don't actually know if Hall still has the stuff.
  6. I don't think much of the talk was really about Mesa so much as about the team trading for additional International slots and not using them. The three Cubans were all that was left.
  7. At the rate the O's promote pitchers it might be faster to go back to school and end up with a different team next year.
  8. I don't think the current Mariner front office is overly worried about a trade that happened 15 years ago, under a prior regime.
  9. I think in general fans are overly worried about players not being able to bounce back from failures.
  10. If the middle relievers were performing better I'd be less concerned about the two at the back end slipping.
  11. One pinch hit AB doesn't show you anything but 16 at bats in AAA does? What's your cutoff for a useful data point? Eight, 12? Oh wait, was this a joke that I missed? That's it right? You mention how a super small sample size isn't relevant and then, as a joke, bring up another super small sample size. I get it, funny.
  12. Sure, maybe two in a given generation? Just because Big Papi could do it doesn't mean it's a thing for the Fraziers of the world. Personally I view it as a flaw. If a player can consistently perform better in those situations does that mean they actually lose focus in low leverage situations? Do they take at bats off?
  13. Do you get a ring for the best record over a five year span? Do they hang a banner? Plus the "record" they would be matching was AL only.
  14. Sure. I don't think he's absolute top tier. He's good enough certainly.
  15. That's five shots at Mountcastle, in five game threads IN WHICH HE DIDN'T PLAY. You realize how tiresome that is to read? It's one thing to go, oh Mountcastle struck out. But the guy was hurt and you couldn't stop. I don't want to put you on Ignore since you sometimes post really decent content. But this is like kicking a dog.
  16. Does someone else post for you in the game threads that also has a thing for making snide comments about him? Because it's constant. Even when he was on the IL you were doing it. O'Hearn makes a nice play, you take a shot at Mountcastle.
  17. I don't really have to sit around, you make up reasons to do it. It's the All Star game, you can take a day off. Hmm a Blue Jay made an error, how can I use this chance to put Mountcastle in a negative light?
  18. You even have to take a shot at Mountcastle at the all star game? You might want to talk to a professional.
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