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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. What I am saying is you said they were poor throws and then you go with they shouldn't have to think they need to be perfect. They don't need to be perfect they just need to get up to decent. Are we seeing Mountcastle having balls hit him dead in the middle of the glove and him not come up with it like happened with Davis? Yes, a good first baseman should be able to salvage a decent percentage of poor throws but I don't think expecting mediocrity from the other fielders is out of line.
  2. Let me know if you ever need to talk to someone.
  3. It's OK. We know they won't extend him so he'll walk in a few years, we just need to be patient.
  4. They were poor throws. How does that become have to be perfect? I view it like this. Terrible-----poor----decent----good----perfect. There is the whole decent and good range. I don't want the fielders getting lazy with their form any more than I want my first baseman not making picks.
  5. One thing you learn how to do with 100K posts is how to quote properly.
  6. As opposed to the peep calling a total stranger piss poor at something they could never dream of being able to do? Sure.
  7. You asked if he "sucked" and if he was "piss-poor". You provided no actual evidence of anything. You also said that Reynolds was "amazing at first" which is a statement that has no factual evidence supporting it. That's a rant. You think he had a poor game and you are ranting about it.
  8. Yes I know this isn't the first time you've criticized Mountcastle. But this is a rant and should be in the rant forum.
  9. Hey now, Buck doesn't believe in the save rule!
  10. Wow took all of a couple days for the harpies to start circling Mountcastle again. Does he go around kicking puppies or something? And why isn't this in the RANTS forum?
  11. It's pretty simple. It's also why you don't play for one run in the top of the inning if you know your main guy isn't available.
  12. Told him he had dinner plans and to speed things up.
  13. It wasn't automatic that we'd lose this game if he didn't pitch. It's April, you need to be able to depend on more than one guy.
  14. I'd rather lose this game than Bautista for a month. It's April, one of these other guys is going to have to step up at some point, now is a good time to start screening applicants.
  15. Thank goodness we got the one run.
  16. They are capable of knocking him in from second. I'd rather not give up the out.
  17. Why would you bat the best hitter in the fifth most important spot?
  18. And (collective) we were robbed of a year plus so he could "earn it.
  19. It will also be more expensive and take him further into his 30's
  20. When they do these are they more about the player or the event? Did Mountcastle get one for 9 rbi?
  21. They are not giving Adley the Bonds treatment. Bonds had five seasons with more than 40 IBB. Adley is just being given proper respect.
  22. The crazy thing is, Watkins has a career BB/9 of 2.8. That is just a hair over league average. His K/BB ratio is below average.
  23. I'm not willing to close the book on him as a starter but if I had to guess I'd peg him as a guy that has one or two All-Star level seasons out of the pen over a career spanning 10-12 years with at least one of those years entirely wiped out by injury.
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