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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. I'd love for them to do so but what kind of premium are you going to have to pay to get a team to part with one in April? I just don't see it happening until much later in the season.
  2. I never got hate over it. As I said I did a tour with a combat arms unit, no issues at all. If anything they were overly impressed with what they thought my job was.
  3. Well you see he upped it. He's a vet until he finds out I'm a vet. Now that I said I wasn't in combat he's "been in battle". Sorry if I'm assuming gender BDS but since you specified "with men" I think it's safe to do so.
  4. Hence me saying little impact. Obviously as a general guideline you want your more productive hitters getting more at bats than your less productive hitters. But if you want to Maddon things up and bat 'em alphabetically it won't really hurt you.
  5. Just so you know, $50,000 doesn't go as far as it used to.
  6. Do you want an optimistic Intelligence Analyst? And thanks, I wasn't at personal risk like a lot of others were.
  7. Oh you're a vet? Served four years honorably in the US Army? Guess what? I'm a vet. Served two enlistments honorably in the US Army. Guess what I did? Analysis.
  8. It's not even modern analysis anymore, this stuff has been around long enough to legally drink Keystone light out of a beer bong.
  9. Oh really? OK, educate me. Find me actual evidence to support your claim. I'll start with this google search of "lineup order doesn't matter". https://baseballjudgments.tripod.com/id99.html We support our claims here. If you aren't willing to do the work you'll just end up on /ignore lists.
  10. For the record I think a 93 MPH FB, with plus plus command but poor movement and without complimentary above average secondary pitches would get lit up in the majors.
  11. You are incorrect. Lineup construction has little impact on average runs scored. You might want to work on increasing your overall knowledge of the game if you want to post here.
  12. I would but lineup order doesn't mean much.
  13. But it's a poor means to that end.
  14. Maybe he liked the taste.
  15. They don't need pinpoint control. All they have to do is throw low and outside fastball after low and outside fastball. It's unstoppable.
  16. I doubt your average 10 year old can even name 10 players.
  17. WTH are you talking about? Who spent a top 5 pick on him? Do you think or research anything before you post?
  18. If that is true I unfortunately think it has more to do with the fanbase than with Manny. San Diego seems fond of him.
  19. I don't know....I'm sure some team would ignore the last few years worth of data and buy high on the two of them because of the first two games of a four game series.
  20. Manny was that guy. Or are you suggesting the level of hype was lower?
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