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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Walter Johnson won 38 of them.
  2. That depends, what is ownership actually looking for in a GM?
  3. Just a few more seasons of tanking and the O's will have the making of a fine offense in the minors. Just be patient.
  4. I was in the while in uniform division.
  5. He was an O twice...so I guess you win.
  6. I have no issue with Franco having the green light, these guys are ML hitters, they should always have the green light to swing at a pitch they think they can drive. I don't want guys taking a get me over middle-middle fastball. That, to me, was all on Franco for swinging.
  7. It is on the list, along with guys that can pitch and guys that can play defense.
  8. A year is pretty recent for me. ? I also thought that Three Dog Night song needed to be out there, it's pretty good.
  9. Correa would have to sink pretty low to be regarded more poorly than Delmon Young in my eyes and folks still cheered him. I'm fine with "Jerk". Just don't delve into criminal activity.
  10. Lots of guys are jerks. From all I have heard Mussina was a jerk. Loved having him on the team. A LOT of folks think Machado is a jerk.
  11. I don't know, the white sox model includes grave robbing to find a manager and I can't condone that.
  12. It is pretty shocking how often the Rule V guys get hurt.
  13. Nice list. Sincerely it's a nice list. But none of those give me a vibe of being transformed, like what we saw with the Astros. They mostly seem like the result of throwing *mud* up against a wall and seeing what sticks. Yea Severino's bat is better but that could just be a result of getting more at bats, and his defense has regressed. Harvey has looked good in a very small sample size but what is illusion, what is the O's and what is a result of him going to BPC in the offseason?
  14. That wasn't what I was saying but good fact none the less.
  15. I'm not saying he finishes the year that poorly. Just folks love to point out when a player we used to have is doing well.
  16. Baby Yaz is putting up a 613 OPS in the early going.
  17. Wasn't a selling point of the Elias and Sig gang that the O's were supposed to be doing this with players from other organizations?
  18. I don't know, a different stance might put less strain on his back so he can get back out on the field.
  19. What's crazy is La Russa is currently an MLB manager.
  20. HIPAA. If it is his heart, his anxiety or anything else medical the O's are restrained from talking about it. I don't think saying "Something is going on that we can't talk about." would be a benefit.
  21. Elias wants another top pick. You don't give a manger no tools to win and then expect him to win.
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