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Everything posted by oriole

  1. I think both Voth and Wells have a chance to push themselves into the rotation at this point. Rodriguez hasn’t exactly been dominant and I could definitely see Elias using that as an example as to why he should not start in Baltimore. But both Zimmermann and Watkins have outperformed Voth and Wells, so they may end up still starting the year in the bullpen regardless.
  2. Hays and Mountcastle are two players I had a lot of confidence would be a big part of the next playoff team. They’re not really factoring into anything for me anymore. But I hope they prove me wrong! Glad to see a good spring by Hays.
  3. I can’t help but get Mike Baumann mixed up with Mike Wright. For Baumann’s sake I hope things go better
  4. If the team is managed to win as much as possible (not a guarantee) then Mullins needs a platoon partner. McKenna is Mullins-lite in that he plays good defense and has some speed so he seems like a natural platoon partner. Honestly, the Frazier signing is probably going to end up being one of the worst things to have happened to the O’s this year. He’ll be taking at bats away from Vavra and Stowers and leaving the bench short handed considering if we wanted a lefty off the bench then guys like Cordero and O’Hearn will be in AAA in lieu of Adam f’in Frazier. Granted, all three are all likely to be non-consequential in any meaningful way anyways so the nihilist in me says it really doesn’t matter. But I’d like to have McKenna AND a power lefty off the bench but it seems we will have to choose one or the other.
  5. Thanks for sharing the video! That was really cool to see
  6. It’s interesting that the depth is potentially better than the guaranteed spots. Wells and Hall are both guys that I wouldn’t expect a full starters load anyways, so if they start the season in the bullpen and work their way to the rotation when the inevitable injuries happen then that’s fine with me. Though, I think Hall will probably start in AAA as a SP. I feel like starting him in the bullpen in MLB would be a good way to manage his innings and get him a long look against major league hitters in the meantime. He doesn’t have much else to prove other than control and that’s probably never coming around anyways if we’re being honest.
  7. They absolutely loaded up on left handed 1B this offseason. I think instead of having a focused idea of what would happen after spring training they probably have gone the “throw every at the wall and see what sticks” approach. I don’t think Diaz would get every day playing time in AAA and he doesn’t need anymore seasoning. This is a make or break year for him, he can either make that jump to the major league level or he can’t. I think the fact that he’s had so many chances and failed is the only reason why he was able to be retained. He’s not a gold chip or anything. Admittedly, I’m biased too. I don’t like Mountcastle all that much. I like the idea of good defense and left handed power. Regarding Vavra, I don’t think Elias felt the need to trade him for just anyone and he probably didn’t get a lot of interest so instead of giving him away, he kept him. I highly doubt Vavra is part of Elias’ plans. Not after how he was used last year. The utility thing is probably more of an attempt at making him seem more valuable to other teams than seeing how they can fit him on this one. Until they actually start playing him, I’m not convinced it’ll be any different from last year where he just sat on the bench being blocked by one of the worst players in the entire game.
  8. I see what you’re saying about Diaz but it’s also true that despite having the least defensive versatility, he has the most defensive value considering the rest of that group are not really defense first guys. Diaz also has a higher ceiling for offense than all except maybe Vavra. But the O’s have shown that Vavra is not a real option for them in any capacity. I don’t know why they didn’t trade him this offseason, they obviously don’t like him. All that to say, I like Diaz as the last guy. Mountcastle isn’t great defensively and has been trending down since his debut. Diaz can at least play a great 1B, doesn’t have to worry as much about the new dimensions, and has some potential. If I had to choose between Mountcastle and Diaz, the obvious answer is Mountcastle. But I like Diaz a lot and hope to see him put it together here
  9. If we’re just going by the numbers here…if McKenna were to exclusively play CF vs lefties and Mullins played against righties then it’s a .794/.782 OPS split respectively (using 2022 numbers) which would be pretty damn good.
  10. That’s fair. I guess I should have said they just sign a new super star player to replace the production, not necessarily the player themselves.
  11. I don’t know anything about baseball in those years. My parents weren’t even alive yet. But to say that a $300 million pay roll and a $60 million pay roll are anywhere near the same starting line is disingenuous at best. I’m not saying it’s the Yankees fault or they’re ruining the game. They’ve actually done nothing wrong whatsoever in that regard. They have a larger marker, more money, and are more motivated to contend. The system that allows them to spend while other teams (like the O’s) are intentionally spending less than what they can manage is the issue for me. It’s the balance between the two where I think the game itself is eroding. From a business standpoint it’s arguable that the O’s aren’t necessarily doing anything wrong either. The owners want more money and since they’re the owners of the business so they can do what they want.
  12. The problem is that a team like the Yankees have the luxury of releasing a player and replacing him with yet another albatross contracted player and not bat an eye. This game is rigged but it’s a reflection of the type of system we are all used to living in so the unfairness doesn’t seem as over the top as it is. Most people/fans have their favorite billionaire/large market team and make excuses for why these billionaires/large market teams deserve to have so much more than everyone else. It just feels like the natural order of things. Haves and the have nots. Then there’s the Padres who is like a used car salesman buying a mansion and inviting all their friends over and everyone is looking around at the chandeliers and expensive art. They all know there’s no way a used car salesman can afford all this but nonetheless it is all very nice. Meanwhile the Padres are having the time of their lives knowing that in a few years they’re completed screwed.
  13. If Vavra can play 3B that would open up a lot of opportunity for him. He’s played a grand total of one inning at the position his whole career.
  14. Drew Rom….turns out to be the ace with a better ERA than Rodriguez, more IP than Irvin, in contention for ROY, saves a cat from being hit by a bus on his way to his first playoff start, single handedly ends the war in Ukraine. 2023 is his year and it all starts here
  15. Henderson, Mateo, and Urias each had breakout years. They’ve got to continue on that success to get the playing time. It’s hard to write anything in stone right now since we don’t know if Mateo will all the sudden be an average SS and then any benefit of elite defense to make up for the abysmal bat will be gone. Or maybe Henderson’s breakout year was an outlier. Mullins’ breakout year was 2021 and it’s pretty clear at this point that that was an outlier, not the norm. He’s essentially a defensively gifted platoon player. Is that who Urias ends up as? Mullins may get significantly less ABs this year based on his struggles against LHP. Mateo seems destined to get significantly less ABs this year because of the additions of Henderson as a full time player and the Frazier signing. If Mullins and Mateo each got 600 PA then maybe we’d see 100 SB between them. I don’t know if they’ll get that much playing time though.
  16. I’m on the fence but for the sake of optimism, I voted yes. Full year of Rutschman and Henderson, hopeful for solid performances from guys like Rodriguez, Mullins, Santander, and Mountcastle, and then there’s the incremental upgrades in backup catcher, “front end” of the rotation and 2B. I do expect some regression from the bullpen but, at this time, I am hopeful that the newer players make up for it. I really could see this team winning anywhere from 70-90 games and wouldn’t be shocked one way or the other.
  17. I also hope that they win games as opposed to losing them. Preferably when the regular season starts.
  18. 100% Someone as calculated and tight lipped as Elias doesn’t just say “lift off” and not expect to make any real moves. Elias was rug pulled, no doubt about it. I hope he does too. I just think he was an unnecessary piece when you’ve already got Vavra and a plethora of outfield and infield options.
  19. Gibson move is a bit of a wash. Frazier is a head scratcher. But I think McCann and Irvin are both solid additions as far as a backup catcher and a #5 starter go. I think a D+ or C- is warranted. This could be an actually good team with young superstars, solid veterans, and a cast of flexible position players and young starters with a lot of potential. Instead Elias went with the incremental additions and absolutely nothing in the realm of a real game changer. This is the most disappointed I’ve been in an O’s offseason in a really long time.
  20. Gloomy, for sure! But not unreasonable IMO. I have a lot of hope they can keep the ball rolling and at least win the same amount of games as last year. They didn’t make it in the playoffs though with 83 wins. They’ll have to be better and unfortunately not a lot was done about that. Incremental additions can end up with a large sum though, so maybe it’s enough.
  21. I think 3% is a little low but not crazy or anything. The O’s were a team that seemed to play over their heads a bit last year and nothing has been done this offseason to make a significant difference. So there’s going to be some regression mixed in with the modest upgrades. They’ve still got a bunch of back end starters competing to be the Opening Day starter and outside of two or three super young and inexperienced recent minor league graduates there is no real chance of a stand out player. Not to be negative or anything, I think the chances are higher than 3% but 3% is still a reasonable prediction.
  22. I think he’s the only one. Everyone else is a minor cog in a middling roster that will hopefully have a sum greater than its parts. Maybe Henderson, but there’s tons of depth there so I don’t think it’d be a significant loss. And the outfield and pitching staff are full of very replaceable guys.
  23. Elias isn’t exactly known for following through with major league moves so I think this is a very legit possibility. Im still waiting for lift off. Rodriguez has sky high expectations at this point. I think anything less than ace would have most people disappointed. As far as me, if he has anything higher than a 4.5 ERA I will be disappointed…but I expect better and I’m cautiously optimistic that something closer to a 3 ERA is a reality.
  24. It’d be nice if we could package the guys who are kinda good, kinda average and get a #1 starter in return but I don’t think any other club is going to value that approach. What could a package of Hays, Urias, and Mateo get? If I were another team, I wouldn’t be enamored with the thought. I’m a quality over quantity person though.
  25. I think Rodriguez is the obvious answer here. Everyone else will hopefully be supplemental players to the big prospects…Rutschman, Henderson, and Rodriguez. I think Hall is a guy that will be really important this year. He is pretty much ready and what’s expected out of him is varied. He could be a top of the rotation starter or he could be a bullpen clean up guy. Either one wouldn’t surprise me whatsoever but obviously if he can be even a middle of the rotation guy then it takes a lot of pressure off everyone else.
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