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Everything posted by InsideCoroner

  1. I wish there was a way to see if someone had a different OH screen name before. I realize it doesn’t work if someone uses two different email addys to register, but it sure would save me a lot of time figuring out whose opinion to ignore. (I rarely /ignore posters, right now I think there are only two serial offenders that just don’t provide me with anything either useful or entertaining)
  2. I seem to remember it also being restricted to only going back a few years, but they must have changed that in an update. Now you can log games you attended all the way back to 1901 (!). So if you still have your old ticket stubs or dates, you’re set. I swear they also moved the game history section at least once as well, I thought they deleted it at one point. To find it now, if you’re logged in, then from the Home screen click on the circle on the top left with your initials in there. Then it should show how many teams/parks you’ve seen and the rest is under ‘View Details’. It’s pretty nice to look back through, especially if you uploaded photos from any of those particular games.
  3. I just bought tickets for my first O’s game in six years, due to distance. I splurged for club level seats against Texas on the 28th and will take the wife and some of my Maryland family with me. I can’t wait. I use the MLB Ballpark app which stores the details of games you attended so I just checked my history. Since 1996 it’s been 24 games, with a 17-7 record (including 6 losses in 8 games against Boston, 15-1 against everyone else). Pretty solid.
  4. Everytime I hear the name ‘Torrens’ I can only think of R3DRUM.
  5. Somewhere, Ken Gerhart sits looking dejectedly at his phone in the dark, his face bathed in the soft orange and white glow of Orioles Hangout, a solitary tear tracing down his cheek.
  6. Mateo has been very erratic in the field this year (especially with his throws being off-target), but look at yesterday’s game as an example. He bobbled a transfer to let a batter reach first and blew that throw to home. Yet he also made a solid step-and-throw DP, a nice little jump to snag a soft liner, and showed tremendous range on a grounder to the middle with a spin throw to nail the runner at first. Not perfect, but he probably still made more plays in those situations than most shortstops would have.
  7. Another little fun stat: Cano only pitched three innings in AAA this year before being called up, but they were also scoreless. So far he’s had a perfect regular season this year.
  8. No, it’s not. You have all the former power pitchers who learned to be crafty once their velo dropped, but not a ton of guys who succeed purely as finesse pitchers in this era of baseball. On a somewhat related note, it makes you feel good to see the Rays drop 8 runs on the Yanks after we just held them to 6 runs total in three games.
  9. That’s great to hear, I hope she keeps that clean bill of health and that you both celebrated in style.
  10. I hate the clownish City Connect designs a few teams have (San Diego being the worst), but my god, would a second color really have broken the bank? At least the White Sox black-and-white unis had some sense of style.
  11. Facing a righty, I would go with Adley. Against a lefty, Urias.
  12. My bad, I take that back. I misread his AAA numbers on my phone. (The numbers I quoted weren’t made up, those are apparently his MLB stats this year). Agreed that he has looked better of late. I hope he turns it around, I like the Irvin trade.
  13. Since being demoted, Irvin has given up 17 hits, 8 walks, and 15 earned runs to AAA hitters in less than 13 innings pitched. Whatever he was supposed to figure out by being sent down, he hasn’t. You think that “length” is going to play any better against the Rays or Yankees?
  14. I think what the broadcasting team said during today's game was very relevant, that the teams with the least amount of bullpen innings are historically most likely to get to the postseason. We need a couple workhorse starters. GRod could be one, but probably not this season, and I can’t imagine Means will get many games over 90-100 pitches once he’s back, either. I hope they trade for help because the bullpen can’t keep up this pace through the summer, let alone the fall.
  15. I know we lost two of three, and it feels like we could have won all three of those games (because we could have), but I really, really liked what I saw in this series. We faced the best team in the NL with a couple of the best starting pitchers in the game, and we were never, ever out of it at any point. I think the Braves and their fans will be glad to see the O’s leave town, really. That was a great series, it almost had a postseason vibe to it.
  16. I’m just giving Moshagge3 some good-natured grief because I seriously thought of his post when Pillar came to bat. So he’s obviously to blame more than Coloumbe’s meatball!
  17. I just dropped by to find this post and say I hate you for it. It was in the back of my head when Pillar pinch hit, and as soon as he hit the ball it was like Ralphie from A Christmas Story. “Oh fuuuuuu…”
  18. McKenna deserves a bit of respect from last night’s game. He made a couple solid plays in left (even though I cringe every time he one-hands catch that doesn’t land squarely in the webbing), and that drag bunt single directly after the Mullins no-doubt homer was a great idea.
  19. Not a pretty series, but I’m sure some casual fans are moonwalking onto this forum today thinking “Alright, 21-9! We won another series, put up 24 runs the last 3 games, let’s see what the OH has to say!” Finds: doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, Adley, doom, doom, doom, Cano, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom… quickly slams laptop shut.
  20. I was in LA in the mid- to late '90s, and also went to a few games at Anaheim, and it was during the cheerleader era. It was... weird. Like you, it was the thing I remember from those games the most, so it was a pretty bland baseball experience. I definitely preferred going to Dodger games.
  21. Gibson never had a single game in his 11-year "mostly sucky" career where the opposing team made contact that often (97.5% of the time).
  22. 1 swing and miss last night, and 17 hard-hit balls... that's almost hard to do even if you just throw nothing but fastballs. Could he have been tipping his pitches?
  23. His OPS+ is 89, which is higher than Frazier or Santander (and crazy stat of the year, he's scored more runs than Mullins or Rutschman). If you believe that the only way to learn to hit major league pitching is by facing major league pitching, let him hit. The bats are hot enough right now to carry two or three cold(er) bats. In recent years they often seemed to be carrying five or six slumping hitters at once, so I don't see the pressing need so long as they're scoring runs and winning games.
  24. I noticed that, I think they have been selectively framing the hose in broadcasts. If the team want the whole thing shown on TV, all they need to do is put a SuperBook Sports logo on the funnel part.
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