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Everything posted by InsideCoroner

  1. The O’s patch next year should just be the face of Adam Frazier, snd then they could tell people, “this is what we bought with our patch money.”
  2. You just wounded the feelings of Kevin and Amy Supersportsbook, proprietors.
  3. You literally beat me to that comment. Which I’m fine with… it simply needed to be said. Thanks.
  4. The problem is that you never really know which of these FA’s would have accepted an offer from the Orioles in first place. In some cases we could have — or might have — offered the same deal (or even 10% more) and still not signed them.
  5. “Does anyone else notice that the Edgar Allen Poe hologram has a voice an awful lot like Scott Garceau?”
  6. I loved all of these guides. I just had a horror flashback of buying a Rotisserie League Baseball book as a teenager and explaining the concept to friends. We formed an 8-man NL league, since everyone else there was a Phillies fan. There were no fantasy guides to speak of then, but worst of all, I volunteered to handle the stats since the league was my bright idea. Without stat services it all had to be compiled manually from box scores and the weekly results typed by hand. Four months in, I couldn’t wait for the season to be over.
  7. Irvin never pitched against Oakland while with Philadelphia.
  8. How do we have data on the A’s hitters vs Irvin when Oakland was the only AL team he ever pitched for? Is this their OPS from him tossing batting practice?
  9. I genuinely hope that once ownership feel it’s time for “liftoff” that they also invest more money on the MASN front. Send the broadcast team to all games, broadcast more ST games, do a proper pre- and post-game show, pay for on-air talent. It’s part and parcel of engaging the fan base. Some of their cost-cutting measures the past few years were frankly embarrassing.
  10. I would say Grayson, because if he goes down a second year in a row, it might mean we never get to see him fulfill his potential.
  11. It’s all the more believable because Roenicke offers videos on Cameo for $40 each (a site where you can get short personalized for others or yourself, like wishing someone a happy birthday or such). (other Orioles of note on Cameo: Brooks for $300 Murray or Dempsey for $150 Adam Jones or Aubrey Huff for $100 Steve Pearce for $45 Jeremy Guthrie for $35 Tyler Wells for $25) Really, Dempsey, $150?
  12. How would we ever know what offers the FO actually made? For all we know they might have made an offer to the top 20 FAs on the market this year… except that offer in every single case was a 1/10 deal + incentives, printed on a form letter. “Dear __TREAa TURNER__, we here at the Orioles are excited to present you with the following once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…”
  13. I bet Colby Rasmus doesn’t. I bet he tips delivery people with a fist bump. I bet he leaves one square of paper on the toilet roll. I bet he lets the door shut behind him in front of little old ladies carrying packages. I bet he doesn’t cover his mouth when sneezing over the dessert tray.
  14. The whole pitch of mlb.tv for out-of-market folks like myself was “every game, whenever you want it.” Which was great. Then they split off a few for Apple and Peacock. Then they forgot to mention early on last year (oopsie!) that the postseason wasn’t part of the package anymore. That really ticked me off.
  15. And how many of those six were popular enough to have their own chant? Exactly. Not even a single “Killer Watt, Killer Watt!” or “Welcome Back, Otter!” that I can recall.
  16. Loved O’Day. The slider mixed with the rising fastball (even if it wasn’t a dominant fastball) really gave some hitters hell. Also one of the more amusing moments with Buck, Darren and the Solowheel.
  17. How is a LHP who put up 3.4 rWAR over the last two years a below average pitcher? It’s maybe not a move that any of us saw coming, but in return for a fringe top 30 organizational prospect while Irvin has four years of control left, if it’s not a strong move, I think it’s at least a very solid move. Unless you want to pick nits.
  18. I would love to see him work like crazy on his bunting skills. Even if you know he's bunting, he's got such elite speed that it really puts pressure on the defense to make a perfect play. But every time he hits another homer, I feel like it makes it even less likely he'll square up or even cut down on that swing.
  19. But the responses are some of the funniest I have read here in a long time.
  20. I feel weird saying this, but in the spirit of Can_of_corn and precise info, it’s Rogers Centre and not Roger’s Centre. Nonetheless, I’m sure Guerrero, Bichette, et al are quite glad to hear this.
  21. 350 ABs for the opt-out sounds very, very achievable. Nice deal for him. I still have a theory that Trey hasn’t fully regained his stamina since his cancer treatment and thus he struggled in August and September the past couple years. I hope he bounces back in full, and commands an even more lucrative multi-year deal for himself. He deserves it.
  22. If they pull off one or more of these, it will slightly lessen the sting of a weak off-season, with the results TBD years from now. It’s all too easy for us to remember when the team’s idea of “international signings” meant claiming Rio Ruiz off waivers in 2018, or getting Miguel Gonzalez from the Mexican league in 2011.
  23. Ah, the carefree pre-lawsuit McDonalds days up to the early 2000s, when the apple pies were heated to a molten core and the coffee you got with it was served at a rolling boil and nearly melting the styrofoam cup it came in.
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