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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Sorry, I should have know better and read the entire thread.
  2. Why do we need so many threads on the same subject? We get it, they suck and it sucks to lose.
  3. How did the Giants get Little Yaz to play so well. The scouts all seam to think he was 4 COF at best on a weak team. They must have saw something they thought they could work with. Sounds like good baseball.
  4. Nobody has duplicated May's gigantic throw from the outfield at polo grounds. The great will always be great. The level of play from their supporting cast has improved over the years, that is for sure. The Blade would probably be a UTL and on the bench, due to this bat, in this game. He is just one of many.
  5. I didnt say he wasnt talented. Is he better than Ruth. Ruth hit them far, and had heat, did he have 100 MPH. Can he stand at the far edge of polo grounds outfield and throw a strike to the catcher without bouncing on the ground. Pretty darn athletics to pull that off. Is he batting eye, good enough to bat .400? Can he play 3rd base jump vertical, catch the ball, and throw to first while still sideways? Im not saying your wrong in your opinion. I just cant go there yet, for me.
  6. Not sure, I can go there, yet. Been a lot of great baseball players over the long history of the game.
  7. Your right, I totally blew that when I was looking at bbref need better glasses lol sorry
  8. Hasnt been 100 years yet. Did you forget Babe Ruth? He was pitching through the 20s and even pitched 9 innings in 1930 and 1933.
  9. For me the honeymoon is just about over. I am very curious to see what he does during the next off-season, and what this team looks like in ST camp.
  10. Couldnt agree more with you on this one. Spot on for sure.
  11. The Orioles already did it for 14 years, before the past 3 years. thats 17 years too many.
  12. It pissed me off to see Cobb pitching well for the Angels, but mostly on Oriole money. Not like this team has 5 able bodied starters to pitch games.
  13. some local sheriffs, and even certain districts within the county police, where they pull everybody for speeding and giving them probable cause to check them for additional issues.
  14. 2012 was super desperate for anybody breathing that could play defense at that position, and if they could, that was gravy.
  15. He was a security force or whatever the fly boys call their police. I believe MPs is an army term, and the Navy & Marines have their own terms, dont they?
  16. Strange, most MPs go on and get full time police jobs with local and state police departmarts
  17. Some would argue about the diff between MP and Cop.
  18. Wow, since when did retiring a number was based on both HOF and WS play? I know teams have their own guidelines and there is no standard, just never heard of the above. I also get it, depends on which team you go into the HOF as
  19. You make several valid points. But, as a player, you play the game, ultimately you want to provide for your family and most really want to earn that converted WS trophy. None of which would happen, even he had stayed with the Orioles. After 97, it was all downhill, until Andy was hired then, Buck and then DD. They had a good 5 year run, and now we are back to being the butt stock of the MLB.
  20. Tony I love and respect the hell out of you, with just about everything except for your take on Mussina. I know you have more behind the scenes, and that all well and good. I wont even go as far as to say you are wrong. Difference of opinion and thats all it is. Mussina is in MLB HOF and deserves his # to be retired. To me, I burn Angelos at the stake for creating such a foul air with the team. Davy did back to back deep playoff runs, only to he chased out of town, like a loser.
  21. The amount of time on this one dude, is crazy, seriously. Why do we get so worked up over the small crap that doesnt amount to a hill of beans?
  22. I hope he does well. Not holding my breath or betting the mortgage.
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