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Reimold's AFL season is turning ugly


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Reimold just got good again, he's 3-for-3 today w/another at-bat to go. And he's popped his 5th home run.

He finished 4 for 5 and his line is now .250, 5 HRs, 15 RBIs, .796.

To make things better, contrast with highly regarded BoSox SS Jed Lowrie (who is about 6 months younger). His line is; .165, 1 HR, 13 RBIs, .506 OPS. He is an offensive SS.

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He finished 4 for 5 and his line is now .250, 5 HRs, 15 RBIs, .796.

To make things better, contrast with highly regarded BoSox SS Jed Lowrie (who is about 6 months younger). His line is; .165, 1 HR, 13 RBIs, .506 OPS. He is an offensive SS.

Should we now invite him to Spring Training??:rolleyes:

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Should we now invite him to Spring Training??:rolleyes:

He is coming to spring training regardless of what he does in the AFL in the 10 or so remaining games. He could have had the line Lowrie has in the AFL and he would have got the invite. His 929 OPS combined with a HR every 16.9 ABs in AA guaranteed that. If he is ready for the Majors is purely a function of his ST results and how the Club thinks he handles tough pitching. My gut on Reimold is if we put him in the OF and he played almost everyday he would end up with a 800-850 OPS with 20+ Hrs next season while striking out atleast 120 times. He would have atleast one month were his OPS was under 650 and atleast one where it was over 950. I think that is just going to be the type of player he becomes. The totals will be good but he will look pitiful at times and at others we will swear he is the second coming of Babe Ruth.

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If he is ready for the Majors is purely a function of his ST results and how the Club thinks he handles tough pitching.

His readiness for MLB is going to be determined by 3 weeks worth of at bats against everyone else's Paul Shueys and Rob Bells and NRIs?

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One bad post wastes my other 16,999 brilliant insights? :eek:

Reimold can't make the big club based on what he does in the AFL, but he can certainly hurt his chances by showing that he's clearly not ready. Can you honestly say that whether he hits .200 or .400 against good minor league competition is going to have no impact on how hard a look he gets next spring?

As AZRon's posts illustrate, this isn't just about his numbers. It's that his numbers reflect that he has certain weaknesses that are being exploited. He's showing strong signs that he's simply not ready. Can he reverse that view with a strong spring training? Maybe, but I'm not betting that will happen.

You would think that after 17,000 posts you would learn something about how baseball works.

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You would think that after 17,000 posts you would learn something about how baseball works.

Wow. It is time for you to take a break from the keyboard.

Frobby is one of the most educated regular posters we have on this board. This post and actually most of these on this thread are a tad out of line.

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Wow. It is time for you to take a break from the keyboard.

Frobby is one of the most educated regular posters we have on this board. This post and actually most of these on this thread are a tad out of line.

Then he should know that slumps happen. Going 0-16 in 4 games isn't the end of the world and that it won't mean he doesn't make the big leagues because of it. He can as quickly come out of it and get back to .300.

All players have slumps! The better the player the shorter the slump. The best players are able to get out of slumps quicker. ANd that was my point that for someone to accure 17,000 posts he should know this!

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One bad post wastes my other 16,999 brilliant insights? :eek:

Reimold can't make the big club based on what he does in the AFL, but he can certainly hurt his chances by showing that he's clearly not ready. Can you honestly say that whether he hits .200 or .400 against good minor league competition is going to have no impact on how hard a look he gets next spring?

As AZRon's posts illustrate, this isn't just about his numbers. It's that his numbers reflect that he has certain weaknesses that are being exploited. He's showing strong signs that he's simply not ready. Can he reverse that view with a strong spring training? Maybe, but I'm not betting that will happen.

Obviously I can't say anything. You are god and I drop to my knees for forgiveness. How dare I have an opinion that is opposite of yours. If he struggles during the whole AFL season, or most of it, yeah it will hurt his chances. 4 games won't and that was my point. Want another example of my point. He goes 4-5 with his 5th homer raising his average from .211 to .250. 4 games is such a small sample size to start jumping to conclusions! If he goes 0-4 then 2-4 then 0-4 and then 2-5 then 0-4 would you have started this thread? It's his same average over the last 5 games, 4-21.

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Obviously I can't say anything. You are god and I drop to my knees for forgiveness. How dare I have an opinion that is opposite of yours. If he struggles during the whole AFL season, or most of it, yeah it will hurt his chances. 4 games won't and that was my point. Want another example of my point. He goes 4-5 with his 5th homer raising his average from .211 to .250. 4 games is such a small sample size to start jumping to conclusions! If he goes 0-4 then 2-4 then 0-4 and then 2-5 then 0-4 would you have started this thread? It's his same average over the last 5 games, 4-21.

I think people are overall more worried about the strikeout numbers, both over his last season and in his short stint in the AFL, than a fairly meaningless batting average over a short stretch.

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