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Ugh, can we lock this already?

Oh, lighten up, McNulty.


I don't think it should be locked, but I think it should be moved to the Classic Hangout Threads forum. At this point in time, it just seems out of place here.

Just kidding, McNulty. I actually agree with crissfan 100%. I just didn't think it was right to have the newcomer, orioles fanatic, feel like you were taking it out on him. It's like if you were working customer service or help desk and lashed out on someone because you just explained the same thing to four previous callers.

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That would be great if it was funny. It's not . It's stupid.

I don't know if it's stupid or not (though, ouch), I just don't understand what Reynolds has to do with Halloween and why he's hanging out, all non-interactive, in a black cubicle on a movie poster.

If ever a thread should be in the Classic category, it's this one.

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I am not allowed to use the

I don't know if it's stupid or not (though, ouch), I just don't understand what Reynolds has to do with Halloween and why he's hanging out, all non-interactive, in a black cubicle on a movie poster.

If ever a thread should be in the Classic category, it's this one.

Word Stupid.

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I guess this is as good a place to post this thought as any... The sunflower seed showers......... and DAMN with Reynolds homerless until tonight... :P

I know this thread was at least famous enough for Reynolds himself to hear about it. Be asked about it. So is this like his really-taken-to-heart-OWN meme? Is he now known as the Seed Man in the clubhouse? Took our joke and ran with it?

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