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What is actually an AVERAGE major league fastball velocity?


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They track every pitch throw these days right? How would one find out what is actually the exact average fastball velocity?

I would guess they can break it down by left handers and right handers?

Also interested in how long they have these stats and if there has been a decrease in the average FB since the "end" of the steroid era?

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I figured someone who knows more than me might respond...

The cameras for PitchFx were installed before the 2007 season. So while there was data prior to that, it was much more susceptible to 'Fast Guns' or whatever.

You can see the MLB average fastball speeds by going to any player's stats, clicking 'PitchFx', scrolling to velocity and clicking the 'Averages' icon. However, the category that shows fastball velocity lumps all types of fastballs together and it's hard to figure out exactly what that means. It includes two-seam and four-seam fastballs. Does it include cutters and sinkers? I think so but I'm not 100% positive.

That means when you look at the league wide average fastball next to Guthrie's fastball, your comparing mostly four-seem fastballs. MLB Averages have held in the mid-91 range. When you look at the fastball averages next to Matusz' stats, you're factoring in that he throws a two-seem much more often than Guthrie. A two-seem is slightly slower than a four-seem. You might be factoring in the Cut FB too. All the info is probably there but it's tedious work sorting it out. Regardless, the MLB average FB when counted at the percentages that Matusz has used the various FB's is low/mid 90 instead of mid-91.

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