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All signs point to major improvements


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Spoke with my guy this evening. Read into this as little or as much as you want. Everything he's hearing says we will be very aggressive this offseason. Not may trades as we really don't have much to trade with. He said he would wager there could be 7-8 new players acquired this off season. I thought it interesting that he said again Olsen will be given a look at making the 2007 rotation. He also noted we would like to move Gibbons but it will be tough. He thinks Benson stays due to his relationship with Duquette. He also said again we will not spend over $10 million on a starting pitcher.

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So not even over 10M? That's pathetic. I can understand not going to 13-15M, but we should be willing to give at least 10M to a few of the guys that are available.

I guess Gibbons trade value isn't nearly as high as some think.

Not surpising on Benson.

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Thanks for the info, as always, BB. I can see why moving Gibbons would be next to impossible this offseason.

I am a bit puzzled as to why your guy thinks that Olson will be in the rotation next season. I know he's hearing it from the FO somewhere, but I don't know how they think he can be ready from the beginning of next season. I'd like to see him with at least half a season in Norfolk before coming up to the big team.

Don't know if your guy knows this, but is there any chance we may see Liz and/or Penn in the bullpen at the beginning of next season?

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thanks as always for the info.

Does this sound about right: The FO considers Bedard to be the "ace" that people think we should accquire in FA - therefore they are looking for an consistent innings eating Benson-type guy?

Is it fair to say that is the pervailing thought?

Who cares if they consider Bedard an ace? Why settle for mediocre if very good is available? Why not have two guys who are ace caliber?

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A lot of scouts think Olsen can get major league batters out today. Nothing on Penn or Liz.

Olson needs another pitch.

I wouldn't care if he was in the rotation at the beginning of next year but he shouldn't be ahead of Penn.

The idea of them not looking in the trade market is not surprising. It is probably the single biggest reason why they have been the pathetic team they have been the last 9 years.

They can fill alot of holes in the trade market and keep their top young players.

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Who cares if they consider Bedard an ace? Why settle for mediocre if very good is available? Why not have two guys who are ace caliber?

Depends on how much money we have to spend. Can you get by with another Benson if you upgrade the lineup and pen big time?

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Olson needs another pitch.

I wouldn't care if he was in the rotation at the beginning of next year but he shouldn't be ahead of Penn.

The idea of them not looking in the trade market is not surprising. It is probably the single biggest reason why they have been the pathetic team they have been the last 9 years.

They can fill alot of holes in the trade market and keep their top young players.

I don't think that's fair. We made three solid trades last winter.

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