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The Seattle Series and Lack of Sleep

Art Wing

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I conked last night about 8:30 after putting the kiddos to bed. Woke up around 10 -- just in time for the game. Watched/game threaded 'til midnight. Left the game thread at midnight, but continued to watch/doze.

Funny/weird/higher power story: I've been wearing O's t-shirts or jerseys to work everyday for weeks now. I've been mostly using my Wieters, Markakis, B. Robinson jerseys. Yesterday, in honor of the 18 inning marathon -- I decide to shake it up a bit and wear my beloved BRob jersey. Rooting through the closet, I come across an AJ jersey. :confused: I don't remember purchasing or receiving an AJ jersey. Hmmmmm. It still has the tag on it. Whaaaaaaat? Weirdness.

Deciding that this is an omen, I wear my AJ jersey yesterday. I took it off (wearing a t-shirt underneath, gutter-mind bobmc ;)) when I gave the kiddos a bath. Fell asleep without putting it back on. Realized my error of non-jersey-wearing around 10:30, 11pm and immediately jumped up and put it on.

Mojo. Although the AJ mojo did not immediately kick in, it did eventually. I <3 <3 <3 it. :D


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