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vs. ASTROS, 6/05


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I wouldn't mind seeing a "five and-a-half man" rotation. 4 starters, and then have 2 guys on sort of a buddy system for the 5th slot, have one guy start and have another guy ready to jump in if he gets in trouble, or even if he's pitching well, make it something like a 4-5 (innings-wise), 5-4, 4-4 , etc. situation.

Unfortunately that's the case for a lot of the guys already...5 innings and kaput.

In other news, for the life of me I can't figure out why 5 ERA lefties seem to kill this team on the regular.

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Our offense would suddenly become terrible against the Astros. 3 ER and only 11 hits in 13 innings against pitchers with ERA's over 5. Everyone keeps saying this is what happens when you have bad pitching... Then why can't our offense do anything? They look freaking terrible.

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C'mon, you guys serious? You know if Drungo was posting in this thread right now he'd slap like 20 examples right on the page.

You got me.

Chen comes back healthy, Gausman pitches all the time like he did last start, Hammel comes back (I have given up hope on this), and Tillman improves we have a shot.

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It really annoys me that some people here don't understand that we cannot win every single game. Even against the Astros.

A competitive game I think is all we ask for, especially against one of the worst teams in the league.

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It really annoys me that some people here don't understand that we cannot win every single game. Even against the Astros.

Look at the Astros record against good teams. They lose pretty much every single game. Our offense is making their pitchers look amazing.

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Sometimes I think if Roy was any other poster he'd be accused of being a troll.
Many of my ex girlfriends called me that.

Some of my ex-girlfriends have called me worse than that.

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