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Oh! How doing that during the anthem rankles some people


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I think to stop the "OOO" or to remove "Thank God Im a GCountry Boy" would be completely terrible.

They're one of the best parts of goign out to the yard!

Yeah! What's next, no more Old Bay Crab Shuffle? No more Eskkay Hot Dog Races? No more Orioles Magic when the O's take the field to start the game? No more run pump?

These things are staples at the yard, and they are fun. Don't let the fact that the O's have stunk for 10 years (going on 30) make you hate everything about them. Those traditions make going to the Yard fun.

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Hollering "O" during the anthem at Yankee Stadium really seems to startle people.

Especially since 9-11, some people don't just jerk their head and look, they stare awhile to make sure it's not some kind of battle cry. I'm sure one of these years I'm going to get hauled off and interrogated.

I don't actually like the John Denver song, but I think it should play during the 7th inning stretch forever. Just thinking about it makes me see The Bird dancing on top of the old 3rd base dugout at Memorial Stadium. When the song finishes, you can hear Rex Barney announcing the O's leadoff hitter or a pitching change before everyone quiets down and settles back into their seat.

"Now batting......number thirty threeeeeeee.......Eddieeeeeeee......Murrayyyyyyyyyyyy!" Man did you just bring back some memories Boom Boom!

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I've got it and I play it loud after an O's win and everybody at my wedding danced to it and everybody there knew what it meant. Loosen up people. It's not about good luck or a curse. It's just fun. Remember Bull Durham? "Have some fun! This game is fun!" Thank god I'm a country boy!

I also have it on my computer, and we also played it at our wedding reception. (of course, our reception was at Ripken Stadium, so it made a ton of sense. We played it right before cutting the cake...you know, right around when the 7th inning of the reception would be!)

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You're the one that used the analogy. Don't make one if you don't want to back it up. I used your analogy perfectly. I take off my shoes because the owner of the house that I am entering asks me to. If I don't he kicks me out. Who kicks me out for wearing a hat?

A hat is a hat is a hat. It is nothing more than a hat. It's material. It has no super powers to do any harm.

Who are you to say it's recognized by and large by society as respect? Do you speak for everyone? I would guess most people could not care less. It's the annoying minority with a loud voice that make it a big deal that keeps anyone doing it.

Dude, you're wrong. Removing your cap, whether during the National Anthem, during a funeral, or when soldiers remove their caps for a fallen friend, has in the past, and always will be a sign of respect. Now if YOU choose to not honor that as a sign, that's your perogative, but it certainly is socially recongized as a sign of respect to remove your hat. And the reason you do it during the National Anthem is to pay RESPECT to the fallen men and women who have fought to provide us with the freedoms and rights that we have today. Its not "just a song." Its what the song represents. I'm only 33, but I am old enough to have major issues with the younger generation losing respect in many different areas, including respecting the men and women who have come before us.

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It is requird by Federal law that men who are not in uniform remove their hats, face the flag, and hold their hand to their heart during the playing of the National Anthem.

US Code 36; Subtitle 1; Chapter 3; Section 301

(b) Conduct During Playing.--During a rendition of the national


(1) when the flag is displayed--

(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at

attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;

(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with

their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder,

the hand being over the heart; and

© individuals in uniform should give the military salute

at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until

the last note; and

(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face

toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag

were displayed.

A good explanation of the Flag Code.

The US Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

EDIT: As far as I can tell, there's no mention of National Anthem conduct in the COMARS (Code of Maryland Regulations).

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Thank God I'm a commie boy! :D

Listen, I'm a traditionalist, but I'm also old enough to remember how this tradition got started. There was one year where they started playing this in the 7th inning stretch and it seemed the Orioles always rallied in the bottom half of that inning, so they just kept doing it. And the O's were a very good team then and so they just kept at it and it was kind of a good luck charm (why change what's working?).

Well, it hasn't worked in a long time. The O's have been terrible at coming from behind late in games for many years now. They are the team that blows the leads, not the one that overcomes deficits.

To me, the song is just a reminder that the team isn't what it used to be.

Yeah, and for that reason, we should cut all ties to the old O's - break whatever ties are left to the O's with Frank and Brooks, burn the WS trophies, delete from the records any mention of Weaver, McNally, Cuellar, Palmer, Boog, etc. We don't need any reminders of the past.

Oh yeah - doing this is good karma, and it'll bring us luck.

Doing the Ohhhh! thing has brought us great luck. Disrespecting the National Anthem is also good karma. And it's so clever and cool! Groovy!!!

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It is requird by Federal law that men who are not in uniform remove their hats, face the flag, and hold their hand to their heart during the playing of the National Anthem.

US Code 36; Subtitle 1; Chapter 3; Section 301

A good explanation of the Flag Code.

The US Code is a consolidation and codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

EDIT: As far as I can tell, there's no mention of National Anthem conduct in the COMARS (Code of Maryland Regulations).

Yeah, I was going to look this up and post it.

That's right gentlemen, it's actually a law that you have to remove your hat. Is someone going to arrest you or kick you out of the park? Of course not. But don't act shocked, surprised, or indignant when someone gives you a funny look or verbally calls you out on it. Removing your hat is a sign of respect, and that's why it is written in the Flag Code.

On other topics, I don't think the "O!" is disrespectful, though I don't do it myself. It's a word that is actually in the lyrics, so I don't think emphasizing it is a problem. Like someone else mentioned, some people put in words that aren't even in the lyrics, and I think that is disrespectful to the song.

Thank God I'm a Country Boy...eh, whatever. I think it's a dumb song, but I understand some people consider it a tradition.

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Yeah, and for that reason, we should cut all ties to the old O's - break whatever ties are left to the O's with Frank and Brooks, burn the WS trophies, delete from the records any mention of Weaver, McNally, Cuellar, Palmer, Boog, etc. We don't need any reminders of the past.

Oh yeah - doing this is good karma, and it'll bring us luck.

Doing the Ohhhh! thing has brought us great luck. Disrespecting the National Anthem is also good karma. And it's so clever and cool! Groovy!!!

Frank Robinson left the O's after the 1971 season. That song wasn't recorded until 1974, Brooksie's last good year!! I don't know about you, but I blame that song for ending Brooks's 15-year run of All-Star appearances. (place emoticon of your choosing here)

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Frank Robinson left the O's after the 1971 season. That song wasn't recorded until 1974, Brooksie's last good year!! I don't know about you, but I blame that song for ending Brooks's 15-year run of All-Star appearances. (place emoticon of your choosing here)

Jim Palmer won Cy Young's in 1973, 1975, and 1976. But in 1974, he was distracted by the John Denver craze.

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Shouting "O" is showing support for the team.

You have nine innings and three plus hours to do that opposed to three minutes for the anthem.
And the hat thing. It's a freakin HAT. A HAT. Wearing a hat isn't disrespect. IT'S A HAT. I do remove mine but only because people like you make a such a huge freaking deal about it that I don't feel like dealing with it. IT'S A HAT.
It's a traditional sign of respect. Just as the owner of the house asks you to remove your shoes, in this case the owner of the house asks you to remove your cap. If you listen, before the anthem, they now make an announcement and ask that all men do just that.
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You have nine innings and three plus hours to do that opposed to three minutes for the anthem.

It's a traditional sign of respect. Just as the owner of the house asks you to remove your shoes, in this case the owner of the house asks you to remove your cap. If you listen, before the anthem, they now make an announcement and ask that all men do just that.

Exactly...."We kindly ask that everyone stand and that men remove your hats for the playing of OUR National Anthem..."

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Why? If somebody looks askance, I just look a little bit sheepish, and shrug, and say: "It's just a habit. I grew up in Baltimore, so I'm an Orioles fan, even though it's hard lately... people there call them "the O's"... and that's where the Star Spangled Banner was written... so at ballgames, we tie our two traditions together, by yelling out the "O!"... it's really cool when the whole stadium full of people are singing the anthem and do it..."

What's it take to say that? 15 seconds?

Then, it usually happens that people mention how the O's used to be great... they mention Brooks or PA or both... lots of times it's Frank or Boog... sometimes Palmer... I know it's an actual baseball fan when they mention Belanger or Blair. What about this is so hard to believe? Don't you talk to people when you go to games?

Wow...I thought most people, especially you, would understand what I was referring to. You're a tall guy, I wouldn't have expected it to go that far over your head.

I guess I have to explain. My first comment about people missing the first 2 or 3 innings while you relate that story was in reference to your usually long-winded posts on this forum. It was an attempt at Actual Humor. No more, no less.

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