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Norris Sick, May Miss Start


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Do you think the umps really care about unpleasant feedback?

Seriously, umps and constituency has been a problem for decades.


Why do you think the strike zone has been growing the last few years?

If there was a demonstrably different strike zone in play for the two teams it would get noticed and the ump would not just blow it off.

I think one pitcher was executing his pitches and the other was Bud.

Funny how folks say in one breath what a great pitch framer we have in Caleb and in the next they complain about the pitchers getting squeezed.

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Why do you think the strike zone has been growing the last few years?

If there was a demonstrably different strike zone in play for the two teams it would get noticed and the ump would not just blow it off.

I think one pitcher was executing his pitches and the other was Bud.

Funny how folks say in one breath what a great pitch framer we have in Caleb and in the next they complain about the pitchers getting squeezed.

I do not agree the strikezone has been growing, but, thats my opinion.

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I didn't like Norris's comments after the game as well. No excuses. He needs to do better, period. That being said, I don't see him leaving the rotation just yet. As far as Matusz, I don't get it. We must be watching two different pitchers. Lots of hard hit balls. Lots of fly balls. One home run. One to the wall. Others struck well. Matusz is not good, IMO, as a reliever. What makes anyone think he's going to be good over 6 innings?

Agreed. think Matusz could have made an impact in that series with all the LHB's but I don't see how anyone can think that Matusz is a better choice to start than Norris ... even now. I doubt Matusz even believes he can get RH hitters out.

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I do not agree the strikezone has been growing, but, thats my opinion.

The facts don't agree with you. Every pitch gets tracked these days.

Have you noticed that the K rate has been going up while at the same time the walk rate has been going down?

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You're entitled to your opinion but I think you are wrong. The low strike and high strike never used to be called. The pitching sqaure on TV (whatever you call it) continually shows those pitches to be strikes. As time as gone on, the umpires are calling more of those pitches strikes at both ends of the zone. I can remember when anything above the waist and anything AT the knees was called a ball.

Yeah, I agree with you and Corn on this. The low strike call definitely seems more prominent these past few years, but quite frankly it seems broad based. Not that long ago when Palmer was complaining about the strike zone being the the size of a paper plate. Not anymore.

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You're entitled to your opinion but I think you are wrong. The low strike and high strike never used to be called. The pitching sqaure on TV (whatever you call it) continually shows those pitches to be strikes. As time as gone on, the umpires are calling more of those pitches strikes at both ends of the zone. I can remember when anything above the waist and anything AT the knees was called a ball.

Has the strikeout rate risen over the last five years?

I know Joe Torre's goal of improving the strikezone, when he went to work for MLB, but not sure it is actually changing things.

Granted more high strikes are being called, but, at least the other day, when I was watching, nothing was being called anywhere close to the knees.

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Yes, very much so.

And the walk rate has declined.

I went back to 2010, took the top 10 strikeout leader board, added their totals and divided by 10 to get an average and this is what I got:

2010 = 206.3

2011 = 230.3

2012 = 225.1

2013 = 228.6

2014 = 234.8

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I went back to 2010, took the top 10 strikeout leader board, added their totals and divided by 10 to get an average and this is what I got:

2010 = 206.3

2011 = 230.3

2012 = 225.1

2013 = 228.6

2014 = 234.8

MLB K/9 rate

2014 = 7.72

2013 = 7.57

2012 = 7.56

2011 = 7.13

2010 = 7.13

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