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Apparently we're claiming everyone...


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Just saw this on MLBtraderumors via Peter Gammons. Don't know if it has been posted yet.

"This August has apparently been heavy on waiver claims, with one general manager telling Peter Gammons of GammonsDaily.com that he?s never seen this many claims made. ?The Orioles seemingly claim everyone,? said the unnamed GM. Of course, Baltimore has yet to pull off any deals this month (or end up being awarded any claimed contracts)."

That is pretty interesting. Apparently we were very close to acquiring Venable as well before he went to the Rangers. What do we make of this?

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Claim everyone. Throw it against the wall. See what sticks.

Isn't that what Duquette always does? It's worked out so well there is no sense in changing now - Paredes, Parmalee, the softball player, Flaherty, McFarland. The Orioles ooze with talent.

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Isn't that what Duquette always does? It's worked out so well there is no sense in changing now - Paredes, Parmalee, the softball player, Flaherty, McFarland. The Orioles ooze with talent.

You forgot about the two pitchers from Chinese Tapei and Mexico. DD must be watching the LLWS again. :thumbsup1:

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Nothing new. Neither is putting everyone on revocable waivers. They're revocable. As someone else posted, throw towards the wall, see what sticks.

Exactly, why somebody things this is "hot" news is hilarious.

If some some of the best august trades over the years, when somebody accidentally slips through.

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